Fairy Tail - Traditional hero stomped by new villains of the arc, after hero stomping cannon fodder to show power increase. More Levi x Gajeel shenanigans.
Bleach - Traditional cannon fodder being easily fodded.
One Piece - Traditional set up for main characters to need to escape even though they saved people.
Renew Your Vows - Spider-Loli and the Power Pack. This book might have just hit my all time favorite list. Which is a shame, since knowing Slott's track record means the pacing is about to go to hell and we're going to be left with an unsatisfactory conclusion. Probably no more Spider-Loli and Power Pack.
Ghost Racers - Ghost Rider riding a shark.
All New Section 8 - After all the recent developments, I'm amazed the internet hasn't imploded over Bueno Excellante.
Still got more to read.
Edit: Apparently I can't tell the difference between canon and cannon anymore.
Edited, Jul 9th 2015 3:22pm by lolgaxe