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Fahrenheit 451, misinterpreted?Follow

#1 Oct 01 2007 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
Bradbury on Fahrenheit 451

Or at least, that is what the author of the story Bradbury says.

Now, Bradbury has decided to make news about the writing of his iconographic work and what he really meant. Fahrenheit 451 is not, he says firmly, a story about government censorship. Nor was it a response to Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose investigations had already instilled fear and stifled the creativity of thousands.

This, despite the fact that reviews, critiques and essays over the decades say that is precisely what it is all about. Even Bradbury’s authorized biographer, Sam Weller, in The Bradbury Chronicles, refers to Fahrenheit 451 as a book about censorship.

Bradbury, a man living in the creative and industrial center of reality TV and one-hour dramas, says it is, in fact, a story about how television destroys interest in reading literature.
#2 Oct 02 2007 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts

I'd never really picked up the book for a course or anything academic. Read it for the first time when I was in my teens and I always kind of figured it was about losing something deep and meaningful and replacing it with trash.

The wife with her love of her soap operas but almost committing suicide with pills, cause something was missing. Teenagers filling their time by joyriding and running people down, killing the girl.

Never got the 1984 feel from it, perhaps more of a Brave New World feel. Where people replaced the deep and meaningful for emotional/physical ease.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#3 Oct 02 2007 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
Maybe I'm just weird, but when I read the book that's what I got out of it..the thing Bradbury said.
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