Sorry guys, but I found the Master-Riddler Trilogy in one volume and am reading that right now. Have been planning to read this trilogy for a few years and once I found it in one volume, I had to get it. I'm big on trilogies that are printed in one volume. It appeals very much to my OCD.
Didn't read any at all yesterday, had to have dinner with the family since it was the year anniversary of my father passing away. I got through about a hundred and fifty pages in about the last two hours at work though.
Well no one really I believe, unless it is an OoT-er who was butthurt over a 100post Guru. But he's quite good. Lost .31 and this page is the only one being rated down. But back again, thank you :)
.31 isn't alot when your post count is low. All it takes is one person being an *** to kill your rating when your count is lower. Some people are twats.
Almost done. I was sick again this week. I made an appointment with the doctor's office because there's definitely something wrong with me health wise lol. I've been sick way too much the last two or three months.
Meh I feel much better than I did before. Still kind of stuffed up though. And don't worry about the trolling. Most of the time they will just tire out and move along. Right now I've had a troll for like the last two months. It's kind of funny because I guess he thinks he's going to **** me off or something. It's just a number