Cuf - a guy in my ls who has been a great help! Djnorthsky - helped me with rank 4 & 5 missions. Jaylanni - for helping me with paladin quest and being a good friend.
To my old static pt who put up with all my mistakes and kept me even though I was sooo new and uneducated. I will catch up to you all one of these days!
Hkpooh Durason Bigsky Sutton Tustin(the last whm we had while I was still with them..verry good!)
Next, Spot the super Summoner. (and my RL hubby) Thanks for all your help and gil ;)
Also... Stinky - thanks for helping with rank 5 and getting the ruby!
Pandele - for being super helpful with getting rank 4, after hours of /sh for help you were the only one who would.
Pandele is the most helpful person on our server i think when it comes to missions. He helped me and a group of ppl get rank 5, and i have been friends with him ever since. Most recently he came to help me get a Hornetneedle (he was wanting one for himself, but never got one - sorry Pandele!). Also, Roukii is another great person who helped with this also. So did Ryoji, Mushu, Connery, Cactuarman, and (kind of) Lamneth. All these people are excellent people who i've noticed are willing to help out anyone in need, and deserve a lot of gratitude.
Cerra - A great THF and RDM, knows how to put the best parties together! I don't get to party with her much though, she's in a static.
Iroh - A well equipped MNK, spends months farming just to have the best gear available to him. I think he is a little crazy.
Hellbrin - For helping me out with some difficult quests a while back.
Zatine - Very friendly person, likes Cher of all things. Also loves 'B', you may have seen her in Jueno or Bastok bazaaring.
Reichert - By far the best PLD I have ever partied with, great at hate management. As a WHM partying with him I only managed to get hit once in 6 hours.
Kirbyjds - For helping out a good friend of mine with a difficult quest and for letting me tag along for some skill-ups.
Jerrox, Anewbiss, Bastila, Vandamage, Gabriale - Randomly asked if I wanted to do a BCNM with them while I was doing an RSE item quest, said yeah sure, and well, I now have money for my Light and Dark Staff ^^ - Good players. Thanks guys.
DarkLegend for sure he has helped me so much in the game. When ever me or some other people need something he is always there to help us. It dosent matter how hard what we have to do is he helps us.
Awwww, I'm sorry Ore ; ; I haven't posted here in a while >.> I'll add my new list and include you in it, of course =)
Orefise =) Runic Abstruse Meowza Myril Fortuna The EvolutionofFantasia LS (much love) TwilightZoneIII LS (much love) Kodid/K-Diddy Marq :p Jaizyn All former and current members of Apocalpyse Riders =D Beramode Meowza Maharet! Keebs Neemo Streetz Cloudxx AcesWild LS LegioLithimetSpinas LS Laviera :) Pistini! Xiana Xarious and another shout out to Orefise =D
Another Whitelist for my buddy Orefise. Always helps out when someone needs it. I'll also add my ls friend Thalyn hes helped me with all these things (which he had all of them done already) Rank 4 missions Sam Quest Nin Quest Guiding me through Yuhtunga countless times to Norg...fotrunately now i know the way myself :) Utsusemi and Tonko Scrolls sold me his utsusemi for a really nice price finding Opo Opo brew for another scroll and many other things which i prob cant think of ATM One last one Kat She helped get my Nin through dunes plvling me from 10-20 cuz I did not have the money or fame for utsusemi yet.
Obviously everyone in my LS & my friendlist would be on here, otherwise I wouldn't be associated with them, so thank you to all of them! But to be short and to the point, I'll just list Janamarie. She never thinks a second about doing anything possible to help others, even total strangers. She's always kind, polite and helpful, and most importantly, in a good mood. Even on her worst day, she makes everyone think the world is bright.
{This is currently Lukas on a friends account name}
As i read through these ive been inspired. Feel as though i have to bring up a few names that have been left out, and a few familiar names. Dont throw me off a bridge if i dont add your name. ^^
Lets start it off with:
Ellsbeth ~ Aside from being one of the few to add my name publicly, i have to acredit her with my insperation to be so friendly. She basicly opened me up to the side of this game that exists beyond leveling up or the latest +1 gear. Personal interaction. Its the people that make this game amazing. And she's the most innocent, benevolant person you well ever have the priveledge of knowing.
Rhianna ~ Quite often yanking me up from the pools of self pity i can find myself drowning in from time to time. Such a sweetheart, and so down to earth. Of everyone i've met, she sticks out as a person i will always respect and cherish. Dont know what i'd do without her. G'luck on a happy eternity with Jello ^^ (Lucky man!)
Vynala ~ I've seen her mentioned before as "Flirty" and a "Hopeless romantic" I feel honored to have been shown sides of her that exceed far beyond her charasmatic, flirty side. And those are the sides i'll never forget. {P.S. Handlebars XD}
Saiyanprincess ~ ...... well. I had to add you up here. You've impacted me in a way even my closest friends could never imagine. And for that, i'll always be here for you. Whether you want it or not. . . 'nuff said.
Xarious and Malakai ~ I can stick you both up here at once. You've been nothing short of family to me. We've had some of the most heartfelt talks, yet have the ability to lighten up any mood. Mal~ Always there to help me and just about anyone. Xar~ there to call you a n00b when you switch jobs too much ^^
..... hands are getting sore and i need sleep pretty bad. Let me wrap this up.
Last . . and certainly not least.
Erynn ~ The wingless angel who saved my life. I've met SO many wonderful people in Vanadiel. SO many people i'll never forget as long as i breath. But Erynn, she touched me like none other. She came to me when i needed someone most and i never let go. She didn't cheer me up.... she made me happy. She gave light to such a dark time for me. And for this, i will forever love her. She's taken my heart, and i cant wait to see what's next.
I'd like to add Pureheart, Shadoe and Ragernokk to the list of good people on Lakshmi. Pureheart and Shadoe are always willing to lend me advise and help to further my mage career and remind me of the rewards to come if I continue with it. Ragernokk gave me a couple of items and a link pearl when he discovered I was planning on being mages only and even declined party invitations to help me farm sheep skins because he knew I was getting horrible drops on them. Actually, all of the members of the LS I belong to are very helpful no matter of rank or level.