*tosses in his few cents* Here's mines.
There was this one girl, when I was in doing my G 1, I had froggotten her name, but the pain still lingered, the way I felt from the incident made me change how I felt about others.
Her and I where going for G 1 items, it was one of my many invites because only for my TH2, I was mostly disposed of, being made last; everyone left me right afterwards, giving false promises.
The last list of people who invited me, within that party, is where I met her.
My fate was nearly the same as the many (+7 times thus happened) parties that invited me, and left me
dry of hope to ever passing 50; Everyone gotten their items, except me, disbanding w/o even thinking
twice of my existance, only to look at my job, thf, as a burden of "being wanted for your treasure hunter".
Being left with nothing, angered with the cruelty I was left with, abandoned; I recklessly killed myself (aggroed Mummies and Liches), was too upset and blinded by the hidden nature of players.
A tell came onto my chat log, speaking in a manner, as to be worried of me...which I rarely gotten from the many people I helped in the past.
A promise she made for me, to get my papyrus.
She brought in her linkshell friends, Shir (Rdm), and Kaya (Nin), to help me out.
Without her, and her friends, I wouldn't be progressing as quick as I should be.
I never gotten to her again, only to have asken both her companions about her whereabouts.
Only to find out that she's never coming back...
People should never say they'll promise if they can't abide to it; at least say sorry for the ones who believed in you.
People change, both either good and bad; its never always a good change or a bad, it's both, no matter how long you knew them.
The Japanese players of Lakshmi.
I was never alienated, nor treated badly.
They're just fun to pt with. ^^
*Jez- One of the few who befrended from the beginning.
*Wizardly + Wizardlysgirl
*Boochan - "You silly" 0.0 *Bags Boochan in his tarusack* muhahahaha
*Vinscent - Met him at the start, also with Boochan, my first taru, lol. Me and Vinscent traveled far off to Jeuno, where true colors of people showned. I was my thf, while he was whm.
During in a pt, I was the puller, and on the first start for the party, but faced with another member
pulling without conscent of another fished mob done by the leader. I came back, low health; Vinscent came to my aide, making me the first to be tended care for, cured me, gotten hate, died, then back to me,
then I died. The fact was, while I was far out with a crab, and Vinscent running to my direction to
save me (this was during the 2 pulls -.-), the party dissapeared from the camp when leader pulled.
Dead, we asked if we can have a raise; everyone slowly left, one by one, leaving only me and Vinscent
laying dead. He's gone now, because of this unfateful event, he left Vana'diel (thus added abit of my burden).
*Odiin - *takes a cheapshot at Phantom Worm* >:{}
*Garguk - First met him during my pt in Qufim Island, where I was forced and kicked out of party because the leader didn't like me|Oh man, I hope I gotten your name right (Or at least, the right person? ><)| Never wanted me to leave, but couldn't agrue about who stays and leaves, he had heart to tell me not to leave.
*Razmo - Used to pt with him alot at a period of time.
*Teigar - Linkshell leader of the Midnightdragons, helped me get my Kazham keys (Too too long ago to remember exact, lmao), one of his members took me in after a few incidents in Qufim island.
Knowned members which stuck on my mind during the time:
Zatu and uhh..I'll stick to a current character, lol, Rumichan.
*Jonice +Exodus - 2 of the best pld's I'd ever met, and the few people who ecepted me onto thier shell , this was the time I met cruel people, they wanted me to change my mind about how people are.(Exoduses char is long gone now, new guy currently on now with the name, I guess).
*Gessica - I just wished that incident in Quicksand Caves never happened. >< Stupid ants. XD
*Ayukawa - My big sis, whom I look up to alot.
*Pax - I never gotten to speak to her much. :(
*Yamiko - Jonices rl friend; I'd thought they both lived in Canada...lmao, where did I get that idea from anyways? ><
*Armand - In the end, he was mostly seemed to be not liked. :( Always cheerful, and helping others when he has the time to play and join the rest of us. A dragoon, and always will be in heart and soul.
*Cattibrie - My lil buddeh ;D (The Mithra, not hume with a diffrent spelling of name)
*Sanura - Once leader of the linkshell, Conquistadors; I always saw her as a brd, giving a ray of hope with her speeches.
*Caspion/Hellcat - lol... I'm not saying a word, heheh.
*Athenna - Gave me Utsusemi: Ichi as a present. :3
*Malessa - o,o;
*Tammora - Why's she on? Dunno, I just do, lol.
*Wulongpie - Wulongpie <3 xD Sadly, I froggotten how to spell your roommates char's name. ><
*Tanta - for now, only because I can remember him with Jez; but in the past, it was diffrent.
a. Nuku - Srry, nothin in mind for ya. :/
*Kirbyjds - At first, very loyal to me and Jez, but things slowly changed afterwards(Nice chunk of history with him, seemed so much of a grudge between us, very spooky times ;^^a).
*Fortuna & Crivant
*Metatronia - Me and a linkshell member where the first of our time to make a Lv. 22 (was 23, but died and deleveled, lol) get rank 5. I never gotten to known him as his original character, but knew him though his last played character.
*A drk whom slayed many during our introduction to Ballista(Yeah, that's right, I frogot his name; and he was in my linkshell too, lol)
*Charun - The well known thf in my old shells, we'd always bicker XD (The only two thf's in the shell, me and him)
*Reoka - Met her and someone else, lol, I still remember me and him always picking on each other for fun. Reoka was the first person I felt dear about; people constantly picked on her because of her connection issues. She was my baby chick, I was her gardian angel, to the end..
*Neokis/Noki - Reoka's rl friend. ^^
a. HokutenKnights linkshell:
Leader- Ayane
Yurian - Funny, but strange character he is, lol
Erynn (met her in a older shell though)
Demitri - Me favorites. :3
Zara- About partial I could remember of his name, lol
Yurian - Funny, but strange character he is, lol
*Hikotaka - I thought he was Japanese when I first met him. o.0
*Gwenevere - Person I met during the Qufim incident, she was War.
*Tzippora - My years in my 30's, never knew him personally; but he tried his best to create a community where everyone helps each other, but the idea slowly died out. ><
*Parn & Deedlit - I don't know them personally, but I just like keeping thier names in mind (haha)
*Babygirlgac - PT'ed with her in Garbage ********* ;D
*Taktikz - I'm not going to say much about the history about her, maybe just a tad. Without her, I wouldn't be here at all; she wanted to level with me, and choosen the job BST for us to duo.
*Catrina/Nephira - Met her long ago in Qufim as well, but not so far back as the few I met at the start, lol; She was drg, I was nin (Went on a suicide mission to help the last remaining members to escape the "Island" XD). A incident with my account, she helped me out when everything was taken from me, and aided me to become a bst fulltime.
*Xiana - Good friend, also my competitor in agruements, lol.
*Quisty - We may not be talking anymore, but never I dare take her off my friends list. ><!
*Nith & Cleophie
*Feo - lol, you bad kitty. ><;; (cleans his carpet)
*Mushu - Helping me with my AF ^^(He was a old linkshell member of the previous days)
*Sandratha(name spelling? lol) and Zenzero
*Rorena and Nuiito
*Kekero - I was in my era of doing overexcessive help for people in need, where I found her and helped with Kazham keys.
*Hexe and Dracia
*Gracie - On my friendslist? o.oa
*Maximuss - Fellow BST.
*Zartossa - Fellow BST also.
*Kumani - Fellow BST
*Sina & Yukikun -Both met in Valkurm Dunes.
*Unshanna - Met her while leveling bst, at first, her type of lifestyle in game was diffrent from mines, and her attitude felt rude, thinking she's very jerk like; but the more I knew about her, I gotten to known her real side. I wished she was my duo partner. /sigh ;( That death right after BST AF NM fight wtih Maximuss helping in Eldeme was kinda funny. Exciting ;D
*Cookies - Strange, that's all I can say; became my duo partner to 74
*Takari - :)
My previous linkshells and present (Yes, members as well), thank you.
There are others, but I'm just going to just add them in.... right after they read the forums and see
thier name missing *whispers* Just send a tell, and I'll add you in ~,~a