I've become aware of how much the sidebar menu is overlooked by people; even I haven't fully plumbed its true depths yet.
However, I was noticing the Guides.
These are really useful essays that people have created, that were deemed good enough to 'sticky' (as it were) and devote a special space to, for the benefit of others seeking information.
A great many questions that get posted repeatedly by new members on the main General Forums page are answered in these guides.
I think well-written guides like these are one of the nicest resources this site offers (in saying that, I don't mean to downplay all the effort that has been put into items and quests and all the other info available).
Personally, I think that the Game Guides link ought to occupy a spot right up near the top of the sidebar, rather than way down at the bottom.
If not that (since it would be out of place in the context of the other "top items" in the sidebar), then placing the link to the Game Guides could work well directly beneath the Forums section, right above Jobs.
This is all merely an opinion.
I realize that it might be too time-consuming to actually make such a change, and I can accept that.
My observation is simply that the Guides are such a great resource, and offer so much, that they don't seem to have the place of prominence that they merit.
(It took me a long time to realize they were even there... waaaay down at the bottom where I never looked)
Edited, Mon Aug 9 18:15:05 2004 by Tenmiles