Following the Cataclysmic events of Dalamud being called from the heavens, unleashing Bahamut’s wrath upon Eorzea, much of the landscape had been changed forever. Out of those ashes, rose a new chapter in Eorzea’s history, as it did for the Sinister Swarm. We, who have challenged the Everquest, fought through the Dark Ages of Camelot, survived the World of Warcraft, rose from normality with Aion, fought back against the Rift, glimpsed the future with Star Wars: the Old Republic and Star Trek Online, and still exploring the lands of Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars 2, now brush off Sword and Bow and Staff to take up arms against those that would threaten the people of Eorzea. Our banner flies high over the battlefields, our warcry echoes off of the enemy’s gates, and our resolve strikes fear into the Beastmen, Garleans, and Primals alike, Hail Swarm!
(Cactuar Server)
The Swarm has been around for 17 years as a multi mmo gaming community. We have been apart of FFXIV for 3.5 years and are currently re-buliding. In game our FC is rank 8 with a medium sized house, garden beds, chocobo stables, and much more.
Ventrilo is just one way we stay in contact with other members as we game and socialize. We also have forums and of course in game chats. We pride ourselves on the community that we have built and strive to maintain and offer that experience to any person who is search of not only a guild but a gaming family like ours.
TRUST ME WHEN I SAY IF YOUR LOOKING FOR AN EPIC, MATURE, WELL STRUCTURED AND ESTABLISHED GAMING COMMUNITY!!!!!! YOU FOUND IT RIGHT HERE!!!!! Check us out @ to fill out the application and I look forward to seeing you in game!
Edited, Feb 4th 2016 4:27pm by Katx
Edited, Feb 4th 2016 6:45pm by Katx
Edited, Jan 26th 2017 9:01pm by Katx