Special Grats to one of our Raid Groups being in the top three on our Diabolos server to down T9! Our Second group should being downing T9 shortly from what I've been told. Although we are hosting several static groups, I am specifically looking for the right person to Lead, Manage, and start a new Static group for progression.
On another note, We are continuing to Recruit and add more Mature People to our Online Gaming Community. We are interested in Veterans to People who have just picked up FFXIV, just as long as you are respectful and mature. We have several husband / wife raiding teams in our current Raiding Statics as well as in our FC Community. Currently we are encouraging online application for entry into our FC for those interested in joining our Active FC. We do have a dedicated and active TeamSpeak Server. We've been around for quite some time and only missed being the first established FC on our server by a few minutes.
If interested in more information check out our website and click on the "Joining the Guild Basics (Step by Step)" Link.