We are first and foremost a social linkshell. We do not require participatation in any events, but do require that you not be a ****. Most of the time we sit around in vent while we grind, craft, do leves, or farm for materials. Currently, our focus has mainly been skilling-up our crafts, gathering materials, and gearing up.
Many of us exchange and share materials, offer great deals on well crafted gear, and help with crafting components. Amongst our current members, all of the DoH/DoL classes are represented, with several being 10+. We welcome new players, and will offer help and insight when we can.
We accept members from all walks of life, and currently have a great mix of U.S and French-Canadian players. All we ask is that you try to have fun while you're with us and can tolerate our shenanigans!
For more information or to apply, check out our website: