Now that release is upon us. Lets start getting some crafting circles started!
as of now I am sitting a lvl 8 armorer, lvl 4 blacksmith.
my char is also lvl 8 marauder, 6 pug
i am in the market to get the mats for making the shields but i need maple planks and dodo leather straps
I am not sure if i can make this yet. (lvl 8 might be dangerous) and the mats arnt cheap haha. i wanna start lvling gladiator though so i want to start off with a shield >.< if you can make one and willing to sell to me for a reasonable price let me know :)
I am willing to make anything for anyone if asked that i can make (and if providing mats free of charge)
other then that I am looking for people to play with ;P so let me know
In game name:
Segev Oren