Just dropping by to mention my friends and I currently have plans for a Social LS, that will be on the Mysidia Server.
The LS is primarily Social, but we do plan to have some fun with some endgame events (casual) once a week, once the game is out. (Until people are able to do endgame, we will substitute it with some other event.)
We will try to keep it casual though.
Also 'free lot' if possible. (Not sure how it's going to work.)
There will be no requirements, or need to build up 'LS points', there is no commitment required.
Just join us if u want, or get back to what you were doing.
As for which 'events' we do, it will be voted upon.
As for which day of the week it is, it will also be voted upon.
Based on who is available, effects the choices for voting.
If you're interested in joining, just leave a reply here, or send me a /tell after release.
My character name will be Claire Pendragon. (was Claire Skyrie in the Beta)
A list of SackHolders will be made here eventually, after the games release.
We currently have 29 members, and welcome new friends. ^^
Edited, Sep 19th 2010 10:42pm by C1aire