Hi, Currently I'm a 29 Gladiator on Rabanastre and I'm looking for a gay friendly, mature linkshell. I'm not online often but it would be nice to have some new friends out there in Eozera.
You need to specify, are you looking for a gay LS or one that just doesn't give a crap? There's a difference.
Sadly until a few weeks ago when some asshat posted on the LS subthread I would have never guessed that there were anti-gay groups in a MMO. But that's a different discussion than this thread.
PerrinofSylph, I don't bother about the sexuality of link shell members. To answer your question, I'm looking for a link shell that doesn't give a crap about that. :) Thanks for the advice to make this clear. :)
I just finished reading that post. I must say I'm amazed that in this day and age people act like this it sad that a person feels he has to ask for a friendly ls that will not look down on them.
The people in that ls should be ashamed. To be honest I'm looking for a LS and wouldn't mind knowing the name of that ls so that I don't join it.