Jophiel wrote:
What game? I have about 20 games on Origin and never had an issue.
Edit: I'm not assuming you didn't have problems. I'm more curious if there's a game I should avoid since my experiences so far have been trouble free.
Edited, Aug 1st 2013 8:38am by Jophiel
DA:2. I'm playing all of the unloved, rushed to release rpg sequels. Just got me done with the second kotor.
I still haven't managed to convince the launch dlc auto-installer that DA:2 is actually installed, but I'm sure I'll get there eventually. I might have better luck with a torrent than the stuff I downloaded from the Bioware site.
I actually have ME3 on Origin, too, though I bought that on cd for some reason (a sale, maybe?) and this is the first thing I actually bought and downloaded through Origin.
I dislike Origin because it annoys me to have a segment of my games partitioned off into another service.
It really bothers me to have a series of games broken up in this way, but what can you do?