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#27 May 21 2013 at 6:01 PM Rating: Excellent
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Microsoft is just trying to get past one of the most significant weaknesses of the system with the Kinect requirement, assuming just abandoning it is not an option.

Now, developers will know any gamer with an xbox1 will have a Kinect and can work it into the controls. I'm not creative enough to give examples, but this means that the Kinect could become an extension of the controller rather than just some gimmick that is used occasionally.

In the end, the xbox is just trying to pretend it's a PC (video editing software, games must be installed), so I'll stick with the original and not the fakes. If I buy a console, because there is merit in owning one, it'll be the PS4. It actually seems like a game console and not a ball-n-chain.

Also, xbox360 didn't have the upper hand. Sony just ****** up that much more.

Edited, May 21st 2013 7:03pm by xypin
#28 May 21 2013 at 6:03 PM Rating: Excellent
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Turin wrote:
The required Kinect is enough for me to say that I won't be buying this system. I don't particularly care for the idea of MS having a internet connected camera and microphone in my living room. Sure, I could cover the lens or hide the thing in a corner, but just the fact that MS has the balls to pull a stunt like that is enough to keep me as far away from the thing as possible. Paying MS a fee to play used games didn't help their cause much either, but that's a minor complaint compared to the Kinect crap.
Well it's quite possible that you don't have to connect the Kinect. I do like the fact that they're including one with teh base system, as I'm interested in what developers will do with it. When everyone has access to the peripheral, it can start to actually make sense to spend development cycles on software for it.

I'm curious as to the licensing fee on used games, and also the reaction of used game vendors. If the fee is $10, and it results in used game vendors lowering their prices by $10, I don't really have a huge issue. It throws a wrench in renting or lending games, though. What I'm really hoping for is that either Sony or MSoft steps it up on the direct distribution. They need to have more games on there more quickly, and have regular sales and price drops. Want to curb the used game market? Make it reasonable to buy new.

This announcement served its purpose. It let the most casual of followes know that there's a new Xbox coming out, and that it will have the highly popular CoD and EA Sports games. Most serious console gamers are not going to base their decision purely on the initial presser. This announcement wasn't for them. That's what E3 is for. This was for the general media and the large demographic of Xbox users who don't regularly follow video game news.
#29 May 21 2013 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
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idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Developers are barely bothering with Kinect as it is.
Because nobody has one. When they come standard with the console, there'll be incentive to develop for it.
#30 May 21 2013 at 6:31 PM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
Spoonless wrote:
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Developers are barely bothering with Kinect as it is.
Because nobody has one. When they come standard with the console, there'll be incentive to develop for it.

24million were sold, thats hardly nobody...
#31 May 21 2013 at 6:52 PM Rating: Excellent
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idiggory, King of Bards wrote:

The new console has to check in online at least once a day or it won't function. Smiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lol[:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:][:lol:]

Welp between this and Pay wall/ auto uninstalling of games. Im calling it now, this ship is going to sink faster then the titanic, or MS is going to put so much money behind it its going to slowly sink for the next 3-4 years til they just give up and make a new version.
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#32 May 21 2013 at 6:54 PM Rating: Excellent
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BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
auto uninstalling of games
What did I miss?
#33 May 21 2013 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts

Here Ill Qoute the fun stuff:
Update: Jon Hicks, the editor of Official Xbox magazine, has claimed that pre-owned games will be un-installed from the previous owner's system and installed onto another's. It is not clear if this process would negate a pre-owned fee.

On second hand games: you buy disc, it installs, you play from HD. Sell disc, it installs to new console and deactivates your install.— Jon Hicks (@MrJonty) May 21, 2013

Update 2: Microsoft has neither confirmed nor denied the report in a statement offered to Venturebeat.

"We are designing the Xbox One to enable customers to trade in and resell games," a Microsoft spokesperson said, adding: "We'll have more details to share later".

The comment effectively means that the claim regarding a pre-owned fee is not inaccurate.

Update 3:Microsoft corporate vice president Phil Harrison has suggested that customers who activate a pre-owned retail disc for the Xbox One will need to pay the same price as the original buyer to access the content.

When asked by Kotaku whether the secondhand owner will be "paying the same price we [the original buyer] paid, or less" Harrison responded "let's assume it's a new game, so the answer is yes, it will be the same price."

Harrison also said that owners can trade their secondhand games online, however the company is "not talking about it today".

Edited, May 21st 2013 7:58pm by BeanX

Edited, May 21st 2013 7:58pm by BeanX
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#34 May 21 2013 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
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I think I know what they are doing. They are doing the craziest most anti consumer things they can so next time when they release a system people can say: Well its not as bad as the Xbox one was.
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#35 May 21 2013 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
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You realize that in your quote there it says they haven't confirmed that, and it goes on to say later that the content would have to be purchased by the next users, not transfered to the next user from the old user.

I'm curious how much of the **** you are posting is real and how much is just rumors being spread around.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#36 May 21 2013 at 7:08 PM Rating: Excellent
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Update 2, which i didnt highlight is the only one unverified, The 2 i did bold are Both direct quotes from Official Xbox magazine and Microsoft corporate vice president Phil Harrison

Update 2: Microsoft has neither confirmed nor denied the report in a statement offered to Venturebeat.

"We are designing the Xbox One to enable customers to trade in and resell games," a Microsoft spokesperson said, adding: "We'll have more details to share later".

The comment effectively means that the claim regarding a pre-owned fee is not inaccurate.

Honestly if Xbox is trying to take over the Used game market, where they are the ones you're trading back to for credit. The only thing thats going to do Is keep games at a higher price longer.

Edit: Ok the first claim i guess you could say is not official since well its Official Xbox magazine. A magazine that is the "Official" (aka back up by Microsoft) magazine for Xbox. But on the super off chance hes making a rumor about the Xbox One (Since he should be in the know) thats a pretty big claim.

Edited, May 21st 2013 8:14pm by BeanX
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#37 May 21 2013 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
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So it's not automatic uninstalling of games. It's the possibility of you selling your content to another user.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#38 May 21 2013 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
TirithRR wrote:
You realize that in your quote there it says they haven't confirmed that, and it goes on to say later that the content would have to be purchased by the next users, not transfered to the next user from the old user.

I'm curious how much of the sh*t you are posting is real and how much is just rumors being spread around.

Well who needs to confirm it?

"Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend’s house – should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile." So there is a fee to play used games

""The bits that are on that disc, you can give it to your friend and they can install it on an Xbox One," he said. "They would then have to purchase the right to play that game through Xbox Live."

"They would be paying the same price we paid, or less?" we asked.

"Let’s assume it’s a new game, so the answer is yes, it will be the same price," Harrison said."

#39 May 21 2013 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
TirithRR wrote:
So it's not automatic uninstalling of games. It's the possibility of you selling your content to another user.

Deactivated/Uninstalling are the same thing except one leaves a bunch of useless data taking up HDD space. The other is deleting said data from the HDD. Also Like KT just posted, you want to borrow a game to your friend after you beat it? Well you cant because sharing of account is against the TOS and if he puts that in his system he would A) have to pay for it B) it would be deactivated from your Console.

And these are words from major nelson, aka Xbox head spokesman. You realize most these aren't rumors but quotes from pretty much Xbox MS division itself right?

Edit: Also you cant fool the system by selling the game to a friend for a quarter or something stupid. MS is the ones setting the prices. Lets say you bought Bioshock:Inf for 59.99 beat it 4 days later. Your friend says hey can I borrow it, you borrow it, if he takes it home, they are pretty much going to tell him he needs to pay 59.99 to access your game. Essentially re-buying it.

Maybe (according to the unconfirmed rumors) this would put credit on your account, but your friend wanted to borrow your game not re-buy it.

Edited, May 21st 2013 8:32pm by BeanX
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#40 May 21 2013 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
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So how often does it check your connection? "Depends on the experience," Harrison said.

"For single-player games that don’t require connectivity to Xbox Live, you should be able to play those without interruption should your Internet connection go down. Blu-ray movies and other downloaded entertainment should be accessible when your Internet connection may be interrupted. But the device is fundamentally designed to be expanded and extended by the Internet as many devices are today."

And here's the bombshell:

Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?

Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.

Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.

Harrison: Correct.

So the system is built to work even if your Internet connection goes down, but you still have to be connected at least once a day to use it, according to Harrison. We're not sure exactly what would happen if you don't connect once per day—and that timeframe could change—but this doesn't sound good for anyone who was hoping to use Xbox One without an Internet connection.

Update: Sounds like things are a mess over at Microsoft. Now they're telling Polygon that Harrison's comments illustrate a "potential scenario."

"While Phil [Harrison] discussed many potential scenarios around games on Xbox One, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail," a Microsoft rep said. "There have been reports of a specific time period — those were discussions of potential scenarios, but we have not confirmed any details today, nor will we be."

As someone who works in PR and marketing, just allow me to say one thing... "What a freaking sh*t show."
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#41 May 21 2013 at 7:38 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
Digg i think you said it best earlier. They had like 5 jobs, Announce the machine with specs. Talk about how awesome its feature are. talk about how awesome the games are. Talk about upcoming new exclusive IP. End with a big reveal.

This is turning into a PR circus, because now, from what you posted, their PR faces/management may not even know how the things works. Or are creating rumors and listing them as facts, and because they are the source makes it worse. Since if they dont know what the hell is going on, how are we supposed to know?
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#42 May 21 2013 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
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They got a few people talking that don't seem to know any of the specifics. I wonder if Mr. Harrison ever even talked with the development team before last week -_-

Made worse by the ubiquity modern internet services allowing these little one line quotes to spread like wild fire and fuel the already nasty thoughts running through peoples' minds about the system. Probably best to wait until everything's over and wait until a summary is given by them or something...
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#43 May 21 2013 at 7:51 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
Tirith I agree, Im sorry if Im "rumor mongering" I wouldn't list something as a rumor. But like you said, the people giving us information from MS dont even seem to understand. They are creating the rumors themselves, and until it comes out we have to take their word as fact.

But still having to connect once a day or you cant play is kind of BS. I understand the always connected aspect, but as someone moving to a new place next week, and will be unsure about internet for a few days/weeks/months until everything is situated. If I had a system I paid 400 dollars for not be able to be used?

Not to mention this puts cable companies in a position of power above you, giving them leverage to charge more for net access. "Ohh were raising our prices. Whats that you dont want to pay? Well have fun with your bricked Premiere entertainment console." (Its sort of akin to buying a tv that wont turn on unless it has a cable/dish tv connection)
Whats supposed to happen is prices stay reasonable due to competition, but in this country internet competition isnt a thing becuase cable companies dont have to share their lines with others, and the cost to compete and drop new lines is so prohibitively expensive that companies dont want to compete) This is exactly why congress had to step in and file a monopoly suit againt Bell back in the 80's, forcing them to share their lines with others to promote competition.
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#44 May 21 2013 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
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Google will fix that!

I think the "once per day" thing is a bit less than accurate. At least according to Microsoft's response from Harrison's comments. Given all the information it sounded to me like Steam with GMG/Capsule's trade in potential. Now the only thing it would need is third party sellers of keys, and it sounds like a potentially good digital distribution platform.

The more I think about it, Mr. Harrison there is probably been thrown out by Microsoft to get his head bit off by the fans, purposefully throwing out these less than ideal methods so Microsoft can come back later with a milder details they had planned and everything looks great by comparison.

Season Finale of Grimm. Will be more interesting than Xbox One's first day. There was supposed to be more tomorrow, right?

Edited, May 21st 2013 10:06pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#45 May 21 2013 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
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I want Google fiber so bad. Im going to be living less then 5 miles from Google HQ and I dont understand why Seattle isnt test site -.-
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#46 May 21 2013 at 8:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Just run your own fiber to Google and plug it in.
Given all the information it sounded to me like Steam with GMG/Capsule's trade in potential.

Be interesting although I'd question whether any publishers aside from Microsoft would want to get on board with it. If, say, EA starts allowing resale of game keys via Xbox, the obvious question will be why can't PC users resell their used keys via Origin? Might be more of a Pandora's box than publishers want to open.

Edited, May 21st 2013 9:13pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#47 May 21 2013 at 8:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
@MetroLastLight wrote:
We welcome the new consoles to join the "generation" we're already in on PC with Metro: Last Light.


Edited, May 21st 2013 9:23pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#48 May 21 2013 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
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Jophiel wrote:
Given all the information it sounded to me like Steam with GMG/Capsule's trade in potential.

Be interesting although I'd question whether any publishers aside from Microsoft would want to get on board with it. If, say, EA starts allowing resale of game keys via Xbox, the obvious question will be why can't PC users resell their used keys via Origin? Might be more of a Pandora's box than publishers want to open.

This game cannot be traded in.

Edited, May 21st 2013 10:28pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#49 May 21 2013 at 8:33 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
TirithRR wrote:
This game cannot be traded in.

Says almost every game ever on GMG

Edited, May 21st 2013 9:33pm by BeanX
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#50 May 21 2013 at 8:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I've no idea what you're saying unless you're referencing the small amount of titles on GMG that can actually be traded in. Of course, GMG has no way of revoking your Steam/Origin/Uplay games so that doesn't help.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#51 May 21 2013 at 8:36 PM Rating: Good
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Jophiel wrote:
I've no idea what you're saying unless you're referencing the small amount of titles on GMG that can actually be traded in. Of course, GMG has no way of revoking your Steam/Origin/Uplay games so that doesn't help.

I mean just like GMG/Capsule, _IF_ the trade in were implemented and developers refused to participate, those titles would just be ineligible.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
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