I liked it, though it was obviously build around the co-op (which is how I played it). I think that the review I read that said it's a good game, but not a good Dead Space game rings kind of true. Though really, the same thing could be said about DS2 in some ways.
It was funny how as soon as a character out lived their usefulness they were killed off.
Rosen and the Female Pilot: As soon as they made it into Tau Volantis' atmosphere, cause Ellie and Clarke can finish the flight by themselves. Buckell: Tau Volantis Waystation, cause he wasn't needed to fix anymore ships. Norton: Shot by Isaac, cause he finished being the Benedict and was useless in all other matters. Santos: Carver cutting the elevator free, cause she had just told them exactly what was needed to turn on/off the machine. (And the secondary female character always dies in the DS series: the EarthGov spy in DS1, the Unitology sub-leader in DS2, Santos in DS3) Danik: After turning off the machine, cause he's a **** and that was his only job in the entire game.
"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary." — James D. Nicoll