Combat is pretty simply, as the Beenox Spider-Man games have been. Pretty much one attack button, one dodge button, and a web button. My biggest complaint about the last game was addressed, though. The last game lacked the "Metal Gear Solid" type game play their first game had with the Noir chapters: You'd sneak around a stage and take people out slowly one by one. That's back, and I'm more than happy to sneak around just to do that.
I had read on imdb that Bruce Cambpell's voice was in the game somewhere, and I had psyched myself up to believe he'd be the narrator like in the Spider-Man movie tie in games before Beenox took over. He was hilarious in those games. So far, no narrator and haven't heard him anywhere so I'm kind of disappointed in that. Also, Stan Lee is supposed to be digitized in this world somewhere, and I'm keeping an eye for him as well. Also, it seems that most of the voices aren't the actual actors from the movie, which I guess could be an issue with some people but I don't really mind it myself
One thing I don't really like is that when you're swinging around Manhattan crime doesn't seem to really happen randomly. So far it just shows up on your map, you swing there, take care of it, and that's it until you complete a story objective when new stuff pops up. I mean, I can swing around town for hours with no real objective (and I have, just randomly collecting items), but it just feels off that it doesn't happen randomly.
Graphics are good, combat flows pretty well even if it's simple, the voices don't make me want to mute the television. Overall it isn't a Skyrim or Mass Effect 3, but I'd still suggest this game. I'll probably buckle down and actually play the game instead of just swinging around town next week after seeing the movie.