So, I wondered on over to the local Gamestop for the midnight release, and was rather shocked to find a line 300 people long. The last time I went to a midnight there, there were only about 50 people. It was about 34 degrees out, and I did not wear a jacket. On top of that, since I had failed to bring my receipt with me, I had to wait until all of the people with receipts could pick up their games before I could get mine. The Gamestop staff knew their business though, because I only had to wait about ten minutes after midnight hit.
Also, playing a mage I picked up the Sparks spell in the beginning. I felt like a Sith Lord for quite a while.
Just wait until you pick up a few perks in Destruction. You can dual wield the spell for extra power and add an knock back effect. Right now, I'm using Spark in my left hand and a one handed axe in my right hand. I'm leaning towards mage, but I definitely want some more physical options available to me.
I took a look at the map I got for preordering, and noticed that the area that I had explored in about three hours of playing is only about 2 1/2 inches or so across. This place is freaking huge.
I'm going to bed now, I've taken tomorrow off of work, so I have three days to play.