MrTalos wrote:
I like Lydia but I wish I could change her AI settings. I want to smack her upside the head and tell if she sees a stream of fire coming from my hands, do not stand between me and the target! She complicates fights so much for my caster character. That and my best spells are AOE so I can't even use them when she and/or the horse is around. Friendly fire is a real problem in this game.
I remember in oblivion, jumping often while traveling. Whirlwind Sprint is the new jump but occasionally guards yell at me about using it.
Agreed; even as melee it sucks, as often the enemies move and companions follow... right into the path of my swing. One potential fix is to give her a bow (or unequip her weapons; she had a default bow), and she'll stay at range. Of course, if she draws aggro you're in trouble again, but that might make it a bit easier.
I do really like that companions usually don't die. From my experience it either takes me dealing the finish blow, or a continuous attack (like a magic spell or dragon breath) for them to snuff it. Otherwise they just kneel down and catch their breath for a bit.
Anyone know, if you give them potions, if they'd use them? I'd assume now, but that might be worth it.