I want MORE Everquest on PS3.
I WISH Sony would incorporate EQOA Frontiers toons into the new game.
Keeping EQOA alive is cool to me. I had alot of good times back in the day.
I've recently returned to the game...mostly because of Nostalgic reasons.
I'm trying to level up my Lvl 51 Rogue on CLW through cm's and whatnot.
I think the investment we have all made into our characters should not be in vain.
Back to Everquest3 / Next...If all of the characters currently on servers could
be utilized on a new game...I think the interest level would be alot higher.
If Everquest3 / Next would have different planes for higher levels...it would be cool.
Remember when Frontiers came out and everybody wanted to experience the new lands ?
The graphics in Frontiers was an upgrade from the original EQOA.
I remember looking at my character...when I got Frontiers...and liked the way I looked...
Alot better.
Now, Imagine...the same character on Everquest3 / Next...and the obvious graphics upgrade.
I want Everquest3 / Next to have three planes.
I want Everquest3 / Next to have a beginners plane available to all new players and old.
I want Everquest3 / Next to have another plane...like the Frontiers upgrade for levels
50 to level 75.
I want Everquest3 / Next to have another upgrade ( later ) to involve level 75 and up.
Still, and this is the only point I wanted to make...
I want Everquest3 / Next to transfer all current toons on all servers...to the new world
Everquest3 / Next will provide.