Yeah I don't understand that (if they really said that they'd do it). Seems like a petty move, and one that doesn't justify the risk of the increased attention from the feds that it'd be sure to engender.
Anon should pick their battles with a bit more discretion, methinks.
They announced they were going to attack Sony, in retaliation for blaming the initial hack on them. It wasn't Anon, but it was apparently a subgroup that's part of Anon working independently from the rest.
Anon's a group of jerks, yeah, but they've never stolen this kind of info before. They mostly do DoS attacks and release private company info to the public, if their target has seriously pissed them off in some way. But one of the veterans of the group reported to CNet that some of its affiliates were definitely part of the group that attacked SOE.
Also, I doubt Anon cares about pissing off the gov't. For one thing, they're a worldwide "organization." Plus, they've done more than enough already that it's highly likely the FBI was already putting a decent amount of money into investigating the group. Frankly, adding more DoS attacks isn't going to really change anything. If the investigation's going to get more support from the federal gov't, it's going to be over the breach, not over the petty service attacks.
Also, I specify the US because I live here. But Anon's also launch quite a few attacks on European organizations as well. Their gov'ts are likely funding investigations as well.
Edited, May 10th 2011 10:36am by idiggory