That's a pretty poor argument, because the complaint about the kinect is radically different from the one about controllers/shooters.
The only reason some players prefer shooters on the PC is because they can aim accurately faster. That's realistically the only major bonus.
But it actually isn't a bonus at all, when you consider the actual game balance, because the games are designed to run at the appropriate speed for both console and PC. It just comes down to player types at this point.
The kinects issues are totally different. We aren't talking about things going slower (which, to be fair, they will on a console with kinect), we are talking about how you are even supposed to make it work in the first place in a way that doesn't detract from the experience. That's the real issue. Console shooters don't have to face any major changes. Even if they were balanced totally around pc gaming, the experience drop on the console wouldn't be drastic. Everything still works the same way--you feel like you are playing the same game.
That's just not going to be the case for Kinect and RTS games, because of two things.
1. Accuracy and speed. This is the same for shooters/controllers, granted, but the problem is much larger. Think about selecting a group of units with kinect. Probably pretty easy, right? At the very least, it wouldn't be that much harder than with a mouse. Now consider selecting an individual unit. Not so easy. But this is actually still the minor problem.
2. Consider the normal rts layout. The majority of your screen is the game field, the top is generally your resources and the bottom is your minimap, unit info and command list. The last part is what worries me.
Even though the kinect is, in many cases, alarmingly accurate, the game as a whole would definitely suffer if the command buttons were as small as they generally are on pc games. Even worse, pc gamers never even deal with navigating command lists, because they learn the hotkeys. That's a pretty huge reduction in game speed right there, far beyond the controller issue.
Now consider that, in order to solve the command problem (without sacrificing control options), you'd probably need to replace the normal command HUD with a menu button instead, which would lead to that units options appearing large on screen, instead of the game field (or at least, hovering in front of it).
That's a whole extra step required. And imagine if you misclick? Fixing that on the pc is fast--it would be far slower on the kinect.
We aren't talking about a small reduction in game speed. We're talking about a pretty large one.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people
lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.