idiggory wrote:
I wish messy kills were as common this time around as they were in the last game. I miss cutting heads off...
Especially since they gave Crushing Prison such a cool finisher.
I make people explode on a regular basis (despite being a Mage, I'm covered in blood spatter almost every cinematic). Blood Slave is just wicked when upgraded with Blood Spatter. Provided your target lives for 10 seconds, it explodes into a bloody mist, damaging everyone nearby.
Hemorrhage upgraded is also sweet. Stunned targets just spaz out while blood is bursting from them.
I wish the spell used in the trailer and opening fight was available, though. The one where you stick your hands into the Fade and demonic hands grab hold of your target and rip it apart...
Man, I can't emphasize how much I want that spell.
What kind of sucks is that you've got so many spells available at level 20+, but due to cooldowns, you really only use a handful of them. I've got my sustained mitigation spells running and my spell list consists of basically the Blood Magic abilities, Walking Bomb, Tempest and Spirit Bolt.
Oh, and Chain Lightning, which seems to go off just after my target dies, causing it to do a grand total of no damage.
Maybe I should switch to some Frost Magic for easy AOE kills, but really, I'm having too much fun just bursting people open and sucking out their life energy to bother.
Besides, Cone of Cold is just boringly overpowered.