PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:
I agree. No one is forcing anyone to go download the games though. If you already own them and you go download them, that is kind of silly. Granted it's their $10, but I wouldn't do it. I have FF7 and Tactics on disc, and I have no intention of downloading and paying for them again. If I do get a PSP though, it certainly would be nice to be able to get them and my save files on there...
So today I woke up to my brother being all happy. He graduated High School this year and made some money off a Grad Party. He spent it on a ps3.
He bought himself a PSN card (I assume $20) and bought him FF7. I asked why as I pointed down to the ground, where our FF7 CDs lay (and psx).
He told me so he could put it on my PSP. And I questioned again as he KNOWs I could have done that via another option.
He also bought some out fits for little big planet, and again..they were ones he didn't NEED to buy because he has Game of the Year edition and it came with them outfits already unlock >.>
I don't buy much off of PSN, so I don't know, but is there a way my bro could get a refund on these (more so w/ the LBP outfits lol. He bought the Metal Gear outfits, when he already has them :3)? I'm guessing no, and it is a lesson learned on his end (and his money, me being me - I hate seeing money go to waste when there is no reason for it).