On the list of overly complicated rules systems,
B-tech? Overly complicated?
Unless you are using the special case rules like how far fire and smoke spreads from the prevailing winds. But those rules have their own tiny special chapter in the book for "Optional Special Case Rules" which are never used in tournament play.
The entire game usually boils down to 2d6, a set# of movement points per turn, and a chart.
You spend your movement points, roll 2d6 and refer to the chart, You don't even roll damage, it's set by the weapon use. When you take damage you fill in dots on your sheet, like a standardized test. You are familiar with those right, little circles that start out empty and you make them not empty with a pencil. That's about as easy as a tabletop game can get. You should try
Chill or
The Imagine system if you want an actually difficult to play game.