Like "the good old days"...not even close, but throughout the weekend when I was on there was nearly an entire page of length on the LFG list, at 60 of course...you will be much harder pressed to find people at the lower levels since nearly all of the few there are are doing hunt and gathers instead of grouping.
This game will never again be like the days when you could get a xp group outside any of the starting cities...or for that matter like the games mid life when you could find xp groups in the FP area, you can't even find a group at a normal camp for xp at 50+...no one seems to remember EG or that undead village south of HP(it's been to long to remember...).
Through the levels all save for a few camps haven't seen life in years, the only area that ever is active most of the time are the pickclaw HnGs in highpass.
That's depressing. I've thought about coming back a few times off and on when I get bored; but I never go through with it for that reason. It's a bummer. In an ideal world, they would make EQOA 2 for PS3 and/or 360, and all of the old peeps would play again, hah. I'm sure that's never been said...