This so called Ninja Star mount is like the Unicorn hovering in the mid air, this looks good. Well, I just noticed that Ndoors are making clothes, decor, mounts that matches 1 single theme. This attracts more players because some really looking for the best match for their costume, décor or mount.
Ninja Star
Level requirement to use this: 70
Attack Power: 370- 470
Defense: 5100
Strength: +170
Dexterity: +170
Vitality: +230
Movement speed: +20%
Crit : +10
Compare to the stats of Sabertooth the additional of 10 on AP, for defense additional of 300. The mount gives additional Strength, Dexterity and Vitality by 10. But the highlight is the additional in the stats is it has a +10 crit that differs from the other mounts.
This new mount can be best for the range type isn’t it?