hacking in the first one was a lot more fun.
Hacking (especially when you're compulsive about it like me) got really, really tedious in the first one. I also thought it was stupid that I ran into soo many hacks I couldn't actually beat because of the randomization. Breaking the combat to hack was also weird.
Everyone raves about FFX, which was incredibly linear, I don't know why FFXIII can't be forgiven for the same thing.
This is what they mean by "linear" other complaints I've heard ( haven't played yet obviously):
1)Battle system is "un-RPGy" (heard people that really like or hate it)
2)auto-battle more or less trivializes combat into a giant movie quicktime event (some people pissed at return of gambits too)
3)story is simultaneously shallow and confusing (not sure how that works)
4)last boss is dumb
5)maps are boring/predictable
6)no towns
7)gameplay:CS ratio is too low
8)no real connection to characters other than lightning(b/c they're one dimensional)
9)takes 6-10hrs for the story to go anywhere
10)takes too long before enemies become interesting/challenging
11)large numbers of enemies to fight at a time is tedious
People do like to ***** though, and I'm going to play it anyways, so we'll see.