I'm finding the game a bit repetitive and timesinky. It's basically, walk around, talk to people, get into a fight, cover, shoot, power, repeat until mobs stop spawning. Then there is the painfully boring but annoyingly necessary mining, which I can't even determine why it left development in the state that it's in. It takes entirely too much time to gather even a small portion of the resources you need, and is just not fun.
The graphics are impressive and the dialog is decent, except for Shepard's, the voice actor behind him needs a few more acting lessons. The thing that really annoys me though is that I can't skip through a conversation, even if I use the subtitles. I can read much faster than they can speak, so why do I have to sit there and listen to them? Not being able to skip ahead leads to long periods of just sitting there watching characters talk at you.
Finally, the interior of the ship is just plain dumb. It's fairly small, and yet it's broken up into four separate areas with a loading screen between each. When you get on the ship and the annoying girl tells you that you have a new message, you have to walk to the elevator and sit through a loading screen to get to your quarters to get to your terminal to read the message, half of which are just thanks and congratulations for doing whatever it is you've done recently. Then you have to sit through the loading screen again to get back to the bridge to move the ship to wherever it is you want to go next.
If it weren't for the excessive time sinks, the game would take about half as long as it does for a play through. I don't hate the game, but I don't like it nearly as much as I would have if the developers hadn't gotten so caught up in writing dialog and recording the voice actors that they forgot to vary the game play and eliminate needless time sinks.
Edited, Feb 13th 2010 8:53pm by Turin