Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever trust IGN or Gamespot reviews.
If there is a game coming out soon that I am unsure of I look for a demo first and if a demo is not available I actually read as many reviews as possible... even the bad ones (a.k.a. IGN/Gamespot) and then go look at youtube for gameplay movies... and then factor in how much money I have and what else is coming out at the time or in the near future to see if a game warrants a purchase.
I already have ME2 (along with many other games that have already been released I just haven't got around to yet...), and I have Dante's Inferno (PS3) and Bioshock 2 pre-bought already...
White Knight Chronicles snuck up on me...
Heavy Rain and Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing is soon... God of War 3, FFXIII (if I get it), Resonance of Fate, Yakuza 3 (if I get it), and the Lunar PSP game is next month... Red Dead Redemption, Super Street Fighter IV, Alan Wake, and maybe Crackdown 2 is in April....
I am still deciding if I want to buy White Knight Chronicles... but I probably will...
edit: Alan Wake got moved to mid-May. Completed Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2... playing the first Bioshock ATM. I did get White Knight Chronicles though... unsure when I'll start it.
Edited, Feb 22nd 2010 8:40am by PentUpAnger