I was searching the forums yet was unable to find a thread about the in-game movement of characters either in combat or out of combat. I see the movement of characters as being good but needing minor tweaking. Here is one of the issues: When I push and hold the 'w' to move forward I have to come to a complete stop before I can command my character to auto run. If I push the auto run key, mine is on the mouse, the command will not take effect thus when I let go of the 'w' key the character stops. I would like to see this resolved by allowing the auto run key to be pushed, while running by using the 'w' key, then when the 'w' key is released the character keeps running.
A second movement issue is that of the camera follow angle. Now when running I may look in a direction other than what I am currently running. When I release the mouse key, which allows me to look in the desired direction, the camera view snaps back to that of the direction I am running. I would like to see this auto following camera view to be turned off via the Options menu.
A third movement issue is with that of flight. I would like to see implemented, when flight is initiated the space bar switch in function from 'jump' to 'up' automatically by the UI. Thus, when running hitting the space bar causes the character to jump but if flying the character will fly 'up'. As it is, when flying I have to pause for a moment after 'summoning' my wings then I can fly. This is the same case of the auto run button while already running with the 'w' key as stated above.
The idea is to make the movement of characters seamless but as it is its slightly choppy.