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#1 Nov 09 2009 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
701 posts
hows it going?
#2 Nov 09 2009 at 6:36 PM Rating: Default
premuch prealright. how's abouts yourself?
#3 Nov 10 2009 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
701 posts
s'not bad but it's been better.
The state of this forum makes me sad. I miss Nmuk the most (for what ever reason)
#4 Nov 10 2009 at 2:56 AM Rating: Default
it makes me feel bad too.
maybe someday they'll make an eqoa2, and everyone will come check this place out just cuz.
we'd prolly end up hijacking this forum into an eqoa2 forum lol
#5 Nov 16 2009 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
701 posts
I doubt it'll ever come out. I don't know why console mmo's aren't more popular though. I guess the industry is going towards games that are just picked up and played *glares at nintendo*
Also AoC didn't do that well and I'm sure that was some sort of "testing the waters" for console mmos this generation. On the other hand I guess it had half the appealing **** from beta stripped from the final.
I've also noticed that Valve (as much as I love that company, and they're probably not the only one) do not update their console games as much/frequently as the pc counterparts. I think this has something to do with microsoft though (speaking from my experiences with L4D).

Soooooo to wrap this up, I haven't gone to bed yet annnd console based mmo's need less bureaucracy to deal with and a stronger company to support them as well as a stronger community to support them.

Oh, one more issue is WoW. I'm sure it's a great game (numbers don't lie, and last i heard, which was a while ago, it was up to 11 mil subscribers) but it's horribly crippling the mmo market. Why pay for a game that's going to be any less then wow? I seriously can't think of another mmo that can rival it's subscriber base (i'm sure Maple Story is top 5 but that games free)


#6 Nov 17 2009 at 8:29 AM Rating: Default
From what I've noticed, the hardcore console mmo crowd is one of the strongest crowds of people to be a part of, however it's size is obviously not so big.

I think what WoW is doing to it's 11mil subscribers is far worse than what it offers versus what other mmos can. WoW seems to baby it's players, and whenever that behemoth finally starts to tumble, many of those players I fear willbe to used too WoW's babying to handle any real mmo. Hell, PS5 will probably be out before I see my time making any video games professionally, but hopefully by then I'll have enough MMO virgins to expose console MMOing to that it'll last longer than our beloved EQOA did.
#7 Nov 17 2009 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
From what I've noticed, the hardcore console mmo crowd is one of the strongest crowds of people to be a part of, however it's size is obviously not so big.

I think what WoW is doing to it's 11mil subscribers is far worse than what it offers versus what other mmos can. WoW seems to baby it's players, and whenever that behemoth finally starts to tumble, many of those players I fear willbe to used too WoW's babying to handle any real mmo. Hell, PS5 will probably be out before I see my time making any video games professionally, but hopefully by then I'll have enough MMO virgins to expose console MMOing to that it'll last longer than our beloved EQOA did.

I do not think they will have to worry about that, every game where you have to accomplish something has been getting easier and more simple, and this is not just in the MMO department...the gaming industry is going casual.

It's just plain sad that a console MMORPG is more complex then a modern PC one, especial considering by it's very nature eqoa was meant to be casual.
#8 Nov 18 2009 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
We won't see another EQOA. I think SOE has given up on console fantasy MMO. Now after Agency and DCUO have been out a while they may try again, but I doubt that they would make an EQOA 2, more likely buy an new background for the game.

Now you mentioned Valve, they way I understand it, is they have restrictions on what can be downloaded for the 360. They don't want large packages that will cripple Xboxlive. Now the PS3 is even funnier. Valve doesn't like programing with their kits to begin with, and don't want to higher more people for the little gain PS3 sales would have. So a partner would have to do it for them. Though from my experience, if a game is going to have DLC, especially user generated ones, the PC version is the better to buy. One of my regrets about my console version of Fallout 3.
#9 Nov 18 2009 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
Indeed Sefana. Quite sad to say. But it will be a problem for me because I will not make games for babies. I really do feel like Microsoft and the Xbox (along with the Wii) is selling out gamers. Gamers use to be people who played games on a regular basis, but now gamers are "hardcore gamers" who play for many hours a day, and usually play a wide variety of games. Before I used to be considered a gamer, but now these 'casual gamers' have came in and kicked me out of my title. It's just BS.

Personally I would rather have console Fallout 3 than PC, because I don't feel as if PC gaming epitomes what it is to play a game. Wtf is with using keyboard or "game pads" that just don't fit quite right into games? I don't feel like a gamer, or like I am playing a game when I have to hit WASD and enter and click the mouse a bunch. Or using a 360 controller on something, since it wasn't made for a controller it's kinda weird and never feels quite right. It's a far improvement over the KB/Mouse, but in situations like using it with EQ2, mapping that **** out to your spells would get ******* ridiculous (I mapped it out on the EQ2 trial. I got all the spots for them, but it seemed crazy (but cool because of the craziness)).

However, some games I will accept on the computer, like RTS games. Warcraft 3 was pretty fun while I played it, but I never beat it.

But yeah, if I can still contact you guys when I start making games, I'd love to get your guys involved in one way or another. Specially if I ever do get a chance to make my MMO (or help make another one). I could try and hook you guys up with some beta shiznit lol.
#10 Nov 19 2009 at 11:42 PM Rating: Good
So if you made a MMO it would use the eve learning curve, right.
#11 Nov 20 2009 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default

but no no, i was thinking like atleast in the ball park of eqoa. however, i haven't realyl examined EQOAs learning curve either. in hindsight i supposed i'll just try and make it feel as natural as possible. cuz i thought about when i first started and read what all the buttons did, i had no idea what it said.
#12 Nov 20 2009 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
Pirates of the Burning Seas, I didn't make the graph, but it does represent how much harder EVE is compared other MMO's. Then again it is a game developed so that players are your worst enemies, not the game AI.

EQOA didn't have a real learning curve. I mean there was some, but most things could be handled by throwing more people at it. It was pretty standard tanks take aggro, healers keep them alive, and dd's kill. There are a few things such as dreadnaughts that neeaded a plan, but the majority of the game no.
#13 Nov 21 2009 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Sure you could throw several people at anything, but there was planning and strategy required when you wanted to do raids with less people.

That aside the set up of EQOA is still much more complex then most modern ones, how many have a character development system half as deep, how many have races that each have their own locations in the world and for the most part their own unique stories, how many have as open a world, and so on?
#14 Nov 21 2009 at 5:08 PM Rating: Good
The planing and strategy part works for most MMO's. Even CoX is playing with giving each archtype special abilities to fight big bosses. Such as blowing up all their minions or stopping their god mode, and they always had missions that granted special items to use against certain bosses. Champions has objects around the bosses that can be used against them, and some based on what crafting set you took. Really having to watch bosses for cues is common for MMO's.

I disagree with the character development, EQOA end game every looked the same, and have very little difference between people. The skills are lacking, and instead of having skills improve as you level or use them, they usually just replaced them with one with slightly better numbers. Also you were always 100% at using stuff. Only levels/class restrictions kept you from using gear, and if you just picked up a bow you used it as well as a player that used a bow for most of the game.

In the end though you could replace EQOA in your post, put in WoW, and would be just as accurate. EQOA was a dumb downed MMO before they started dumbing down MMO's.

Edited, Nov 21st 2009 6:14pm by dirges
#15 Nov 23 2009 at 12:11 PM Rating: Default
EQOA's char developement was actually pretty intricate (though not extremely so). the reason why everyone was the same at end levels was because they devs made the system retarded. they just made cms like "you should deff get this, and that if you want"
instead of "hey, you prolly want this, OR this, or maybe this, or even this and this, ohh man you prolly want that to use with this and this"

and raiding did take some effort. hiding behind rocks during AOEs, having backup tanks for death touches, avoiding cockroaches and spiders else risk 1000s of damage/death, running up a bridge with virtually unkillable mobs to pull a mob that will deathtouch you. being careful not to get AOE'd less you want your hp reduces to 700, and then be dotted for 250 (or was it 150?) that ticks every 8 seconds, so in 24 seconds you're dead, unless you have a heal or got lucky.

going through a buncha crazy lavaloving mobs down a long-and-winding path to get to a buncha caverns filled with other fire mobs, or take a shortcut through the lava to cut a bunch of the swirling off.

eqoa wasn't "dumbed down" it was made to be played on the console. they said they wanted a more casual mmo player, but they didn't casualize eqoa too much.

they kinda had to just replace your skills instead of give to ********** too many, because "up/down circle" can only go too far (they took it to "up/down left/right circle).

Edited, Nov 23rd 2009 1:13pm by titinipple
#16 Nov 24 2009 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
That works for a lot of MMO's. The raids are always more complicated, with bosses that instant kill, and having to watch where you go encase of adds or aoe's. For dreadknights their debuff wasn't a challenge for a tank, once you knew it was aoe, and keep the team away it was nothing, if a mediocre healer couldn't surpass it they suck and shouldn't of been playing anyway. Then you have the fact that people are able to solo it, dreads were just a one trick pony.

But EQOA was dumbed down, and had to be to play on the PS2. It was simpler then EQ1, and had less character development. Again why should a player that only used daggers their whole career all of a sudden be an expert bowman, or swing a battle axe just as well as the warrior that always uses axes.

After playing City of heroes and champions it is clear how stupid it is to have replacement powers. It is better to have one power that levels with you, and then to have the ability to add other effects to it as you gain ability over it. I much prefer Champions character development over EQOA's. It is a mediocre game, but it does not force you into as strict molds. You want to dual wield guns and swords go ahead, you want to be a knight go ahead, you want to be a cyborg with robot minions go ahead. Your stats have an effect, but sometimes an over look stat does more then what you realize.
#17 Nov 24 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
Oh, I prolly shoulda stated I meant the raids weren't push overs prefronts. Postfronts it just got gay.

Personally, if you give me a world as seemeless as EQOA, I can take a lot of dumb-downing. I liked EQOAs simplicity.

Anyways, if you hade a comprehensive description/list of how a perfect MMO would be, for you, what would it be?
#18 Nov 24 2009 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
Hey guys, just been reading your posts, Very interesting indeed. If you dont mind me throwing my two cents in here it is, if you do mind then I guess just dont read it hehe....

EQOA for me has been one of the most impressive MMO's, Why?...To be honest im not sure, maybe its the fact it has no has no minimap with a dot to show you right where your quest is. You cant solo the whole game like most new MMO's. It takes more than 30mins to get from 59 to 60 and you must have a group. I love the fact that noot every level1 character is running around with giant fire blazing axes and that a player must work hard to get their slightly glowing weapon. The community is great and I like the fact that a person can become somewhat famous haha.....I've played many other MMO's, some of which where more hardcore leveling (Vanguard,Fallen Earth, Etc) and Ive played many MMO's with much bigger broader communities (WoW,Aion, Etc) and yes I have gave them many chances, /played wow about 200days with 6 lvl 80's to prove it...but when I quit wow I feel nothing. To this day I still have a attachment to EQOA like none other, I cant stop thinking about it and praying that it does get the attention from devs that it deserves...I just recently started thinking about it alot and just decided im going to hook my old ps2 back up and ride EQOA to the ground so atleast I know I done what little bit I could to save it. Id hate to see another great MMO meet its death like motorcity oline did many years ago.


___________Love and Respect, EQOA forever_____________
#19 Nov 25 2009 at 6:17 PM Rating: Good
First, I will say there will never be a perfect MMO, and what I like will not be for everyone. Second what I would like does change between genre's, so a fantasy MMO has different needs then a space travel one. For my list I will go with fantasy.

Being able to spec your Character in more ways. Sure your warrior is a tank, but if the tank role is filled they should be able to assist the healer by handing out potions and poultices, or the use of traps to increase their damage and control the battle. The ability to do stuff when they are not being taking a beating while protecting the group. The same thing for other AT's. there should be enough overlap that they can help fill in other roles, especially if other classes are not available.

Interactive environments. There should be traps in the dungeons that require a dungeon crawler type player to avoid, and they need to be random. It doesn't work if they are in the same spot every time, and a person with no detection skill tells the group where everything is. . That doesn't mean I want a thief in every party, but the ability for any player to spec to those skills. The same with crafting skills. They should have an effect in certain situations, it may just be the miner sees a rock formation they can knock down so they can cross a chasym instead of going around speeding things up, or the jeweler noticing the ring you think is the quest item is fake, so you search further for the right ring.

Better AI. The AI should set sentries and ambushes for you. Your invading their home, they should have advantages at times. Not something that wipes out a prepared group, but still a risk if you get caught of guard. The AI should also go/call for help if there are allies near by. Why would you let 4 guys beat on you, and you not try and get your friends that are right around the corner. Also if there all multiple factions, then your groups factions should come to play. You sneak up you should be able to watch them fight it out, and then pick off the winner. If you have good faction they should help you fight, bad they gang up on you, and if neutral they should cheer you on or go their own way.

Tons of gear. There should be plenty of gear, enough that 100 players in a room will not look the same. You should also be able to add to them, dye, runes, and other skills to improve or change effects.

Powers should level with you. It is time to learn a new version instead of going to a store or just learning it, you quest/train to improve. So your tangling vines, instead of just a root, you can choose between thickening the vines for a longer duration or adding thorns for a DoT effect. Next time you can add poisons to the thorns for different effects, or if you chose to thicken the vines you can make them a creeper that limits the targets actions by entangling their arms.

That is a start, though I doubt I would ever see a MMO like that.

Now I do agree on EQOA's openness, you should be able to go from one area to the next with no loading. If I am flying high above the mountains, why so a stop because of a few trees on a border, or why is the only way from one area to another is through these gates. Though open worlds do need a map. I remember back before they added group symbols to EQOA. We had to memorize the terrain, so we could give directions to the camp. Go due west till you reach Y shaped tree, now north to this rock, now go north west till a mountain range and follow it to the entrance. It is so much easier to coach here and follow the arrows.
#20 Nov 27 2009 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
i see good sir. that's a pretty good list. i saved it to my comp so i can refer to it in the future
#21 Dec 07 2009 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
701 posts
perfect anything is subjective, except the bible, that ****'s got everything. Love, betrayal, jesus, rocks and the rolling of such. Drugs and ******* too!
but no seriously

my ideal mmo is eqoa with maybe leveling up skills, I'll read this thread and actually way in. I love the open world aspect me EQOA, and I'm sick of all these ******* dungeon loaders (GW, D2, you name it, it probably loads you a dungeon from some form of lobby)
Right now I'm waiting for ssbm to get it's *** online with next to no frame lag. I'm asking santa and ****.

also no johns, but i haven't gone to bed so I'm not really coherent.
#22 Dec 09 2009 at 11:10 PM Rating: Default
what's ssbm?
all google told me was super smash bros. melee
#23 Dec 31 2009 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
6,158 posts
Well isn't this quite the nostalgic adventure.. I think a hello to everyone is in order, so hello everyone.

I reactivated my account back in August for a month of playing that was more satisfying than I thought it would be, which was a pleasant surprise. I seem to recall hearing a rumor that recently all the servers had been dropped with the exception of CLW. Is there any truth to this?

I also must admit that I do indeed have a small itch to start playing again for another month or so. Oh also, I have to agree with the reasons others have given for what made EQOA special. The seamless world and lack of a map were definitely integral in making the the game more immersive. I have yet to find something like this is any other game I've played. That, and the simplicity of the game itself (classes, items, etc.) was enjoyable.

Anyway, if anyone can give me a heads up on what the current situation is in EQOA it would be appreciated.
#24 Dec 31 2009 at 4:47 PM Rating: Default
All the servers still exist. They have no been combined.

If you ever find a game anything like EQOA, you better post it here!
#25 Dec 31 2009 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
6,158 posts
Haha, I doubt there will ever be a game that focused as much on landscape/world immersion (maybe not intentionally) and was still somewhat challenging/required grouping and seeking the aid of others which in turn built a better community of adventurers.

Does anyone here still play? I might be more willing to reactivate if I had others to play with seeing as last time I tried playing it was pretty lonely.
#26 Jan 26 2010 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
701 posts
man all I want in an mmo is:
no point and click
who can be rogues
who can duel wield (daggers plz)
who can back stab with them daggers

yup, that's pretty much it. Oh and class differences *glares at pso*

are there no other mmo's that just, load everything and that's that (like eqoa does)?
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