I don't know what the acronyms mean for stuff like BC, LC, NTC, and FT. I see people asking for groups for that and never know what they are talking about. I'm assuming they are instances beyond my level?
I've had a serious case of alt-happiness. I have 4 on one server on Asmodian side, and 3 on another. Just been trying out the different classes to see what I like, none of them are past level 18. My first month ran up yesterday, and I renewed for another month, albeit tentatively. With several new games coming out for the 360 I'm not sure how much time I'll have for this one, and it may end up being my last month.
It's a decent seeming game and all, it just hasn't really sucked me in, at least so far.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.