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Why do you love this game?Follow

#1 Aug 31 2009 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
This was my first MMO and still holds a place in my heart as the best. Maybe it's because the servers were small. Good and bad things you did traveled by word of mouth and there was an actual community to be a part of. I remember using the tiny, archaic map given in the booklet that came with the game to map out my routes, almost all of which were wrong, since roads only went so far. This forced exploration. There were so many little cool camps of enemies or points of interest that weren't mentioned (to my knowledge) in the game. I remember trying to escort a friend to Qeynos simply because we wanted to see it. We passed over mountains, got killed by Gertrude, wandered aimlessly in circles through forests, met and chat with others exploring as well. Exchanging directions, trading items, sometimes banding together for mutual benefit.

I guess for me it wasn't so much the game, it was the world and the community of players within it. Everything was personal. Everyone (mostly) was personal. You had to be, because your name being mentioned as a ninja, trainer, troll, etc. could really effect your status. Maybe my judgement is clouded with nostalgia.

So, why do you love this game?

(and is it worth coming back to?)
#2 Sep 01 2009 at 11:16 PM Rating: Default
For far more reasons than i feel like typing out here, but it includes all of what you said.
#3 Sep 02 2009 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
More in depth then any PC mmorpg I've played yet, yet still simple in it's game play, achieved a casual style without turning into a shallow game like WoW or EQ2.
-Character building, CM system puts Eq2 to shame, master classes, etc.
-real full open world
-"camps"of mobs as opposed to random dungeons(it's a shame all but a few camps are even visited anymore)
-different factions and the lands they control
-starting cities each with several of their own stories
-having to travel to get to places, PITA as times but better then magically telleporting across the world
-mechanics of the game, may be simple in many regards but I like them
-group flexibility: from the standard 1 tank, 2 dds and a healer to all classes taking on different roles
-grouping:PLs, OSD(outside damage, new term I think is used on CLW now, don't remember it tho) OSH, etc...

and I could go on...maybe it's because it is my first MMORPG, and I know it has many flaws and things to be improved on, but there has yet to be another that holds me like this game does, I can only imagine how much more great this game would be today if it were on the better market of the PC(using the controller and it's controls of course still)...
#4 Mar 10 2010 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
I wanted to add a little bit to this and just say that I'm really bored with the current MMO model. I don't want to play World of Warcraft or the 1000000 other games out there trying to be like it. I like EQOA and just came back this week because it's remained unchanged over the years. Even the original Everquest (my first mmo) is a shadow of it's former self circa 1999, and it's depressing.

I love the races, classes, skills, locations, spell effects, level up noise, music, community, and FUN that comes with EQOA. I'm extremely excited to be back and was having a blast killing Froglocks in Innothule Swamp with a friend last night. See you all around soon! Look for my Shaman Zrakk who will be my main for the next while.
#5 Mar 10 2010 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
One thing I love about the game is the openness of the world except for the godforsaken mountains in the middle. I've played ffxi since I left eqoa and I have always hated the loading for the different zones.
#6 Mar 11 2010 at 9:29 AM Rating: Default
i know how you feel. i cannot stand other games that load between zones. sure, wow doesnt load between zones, but does it really count when they still use mountains to seperate each zone? no. not to mention that game sucks anyways lol.

eq2 was real fun when i did the trial, getting like level 10. but then i looked around, and accepted what i didn't want to: i have to load between zones. How can an MMO be massive if i have to load to see other people? it just doesn't feel right.

I will always love this game. By far it is mine, my brothers and my cousins most favorite game. It has literally ruined every other game for us, because of how much fun this game was. Quite sad.. )'=
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