I have a few questions on this topic, if I may.
1. Does anyone know of any good sites on the topic of the new final fantasy?
2. Is it an expansion, similiar to frontiers for eqoa, will old char's be carried over, or will everyone be starting from scratch?
3. Will you be able to purchase the hard drive seperate?
4. From what I understand, your going to be able to play the same game on the computer or on your ps2, that's pretty cool. I'm wondering if your going to be able to sit on your ps2, then go to a totally different location and play on the same account/character?
5. Lastly, Sing stated:
"My fear about the Harddrive and EQOA is that will open the doors to hacking the game, esp if they tranfer parts of the game from the server to the users. If so, then the same thing that make EQPC and other online games sux , will happen to EQOA.
Right now, EQOA is pretty much safe from tampering, the HD may open it up to cheating, even if the cheating is user side only."
Is there a lot of cheating/hacking/glitching/ whatever, in the pc version of EQ? I've never played the pc version.
Thanx for any info.