Macklewok's Dagger (Level 10)
Talk to Professor Temwiddle after reaching Level 10.
The mindwhipper you returned earlier has been taken to Engineer Macklewok at the lab.
Go speak to Engineer Macklewok at the lab just south of the Klick'Anon ramp.
Two of Macklewok's notebooks are missing. Find and return Engineer Macklewok's notebooks. Speak with Gnomes in Klick'Anon to help find the notebooks.
Talt to Covelbun Andelfoof. He had one of Macklewok's notebook, but gave it to Spiritmaster Savi.
Speak to Spiritmaster Savi.
Savi will remove the stain from the notebook, but she needs a chipped snake fang off a moss snake and a bottle of ink. Slay moss snakes and retrieve a punctured poison sac. Purchase a bottle of ink from Merchan Folsop.
Return to Spiritmaster Savi.
Receive the stained notebook.
Travel to Kara Village and talk to Diplomat Grabble. Grabble was complaining about the notebook he had.
** Travel west from Klick'Anon. Kara Village is between Fayspires and Klick'Anon. Stay on the path to Kara Village and away from the high-level mobs on either side of the path.**
Talk to Diplomat Grabble.
Grabble was attacked on the road by a strange insect. It was fiery red and looked like a wasp. Grabble was so frightened he dropped all his notebooks and ran for his life.
Grabble overheard an Elf saying the strange creatures have build a gigantic hive to the south.
**Travel southwest. The hive is very close to Kara Village. The wasps range in strength from light blue to yellow to a Level 10 character.
Enter the hive and you notice a strange pile. Rummage through the pile and receive the torn notebook.
Speak to Diplomat Grabble after retrieving the notebook.
Return the notebooks to Engineer Macklwok.
Receive Macklwok's plans.
Speak to Professor Valespin.
Receive Macklewok's Dagger.
Speak to Professor Tremwiddle.
Receive 556,753 experience points.
*********Hope this helps*********