Yeah, bummer, I figured they wouldn't be able to take it back, Like I said. You opened the box, they figure when the box is opened that you may have used the account key and made the game worthless to them anymore. Sorry about that.
Yes, the expansion is aimed more towards higher level players... say 35 and up to 60. Well, for the levels below that, it's pretty much the same ANYway, except you're missing out on the (insert Ooo here) grass graphics (sarcasm) and the fog (insert Ahhh here) that is in Select locations and LAGS you if you're in it lol. Not to mention it kills your view in critical areas. Oh and if you play an elf, and get a robe, you'll proably like those graphice better before Frontiers Anyway, because in frontiers they skimped on the cloth and make ya look like you're in pajamas.
So Since you're stuck with it anyway, I reccommend going ahead and getting your char up to 35 and then trying for frontiers again, just do NOT forget your account info.
Seeyoo in game =)