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Frontiers... or not..?Follow

#1 Jan 10 2004 at 2:36 AM Rating: Default
#2 Jan 10 2004 at 2:39 AM Rating: Default
Well i went to the shop today, i bought the game, i was sitting down looking at it as i was about to set up all the networking yesterday and realised i had purchased the original version of EQOA, not Frontiers. Naturally i was pissed off, but it being a saturday night tonight, all theshops will be shut till monday. So, is it worth setting up my account now and playing without Frontiers? Or should i wait a little longer, then return it on monday and get the expansion?

#3 Jan 10 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
If you set up your account w/o frontiers, you can still transfer it over... But, you can't Return the game, because of the account key neccessary... it would be completely unusable to anyone, so they can't accept it. but you can still play on it (keep it) and it will still transfer your chars and stuff over to frontiers.
If you have no intention of keeping the Original EQOA you bought, you return it tho, so If you want any possibility of returning it, you can not open the account with it.
They Might not accept it back Anyway because of that issue.
#4 Jan 10 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Default
Well i'll have to ring up and check, but thing is, i don't want to open my account with this one then fork out another $90 for frontiers as well, so if i can return this one and just get frontiers i will be saving nearly $100, and since i don't want to spend that much money again if i have any chance of saving it...

...Bahh, guess that made up my mind for me. If i can return it then i will do that and get frontiers, if i can't then i'll just have to go without.

#5 Jan 10 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Default
If I were you I wouldnt open the original game. Just keep your receipt and take it back. Fronteirs is almost a must have now. O and fronteirs costs $90 where you are from??? Mine only cost like $30. Thats hard to believe. Unless you were including your billing.

50th Season
Marr's Fist
Z.U.M "Absolute Destiny Apocalypse"
#6 Jan 10 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
yah dude, return it, and you shouldn't pay more than 30$ for frontiers 35$ at most
#7 Jan 10 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Good
684 posts
I strongly recommend you return it. Two days is not much time in everlife, lol. Especially when you get to the high thirties and beyond I'm sure there will be a lot of times your group will want to xp and finally decide on somewhere, oh over seas, everyone got frontiers? Uh oh! Now they have to try to agree on another place or boot the person without. Besides that, I think there are enough extras that justify the little bit of money and two days. Why don't you go somewhere else and buy it now then return the first one on monday? Just a suggestion, either way GL!
#8 Jan 11 2004 at 12:10 AM Rating: Default
Firstly i'm an Australian, so $90AU is about $40US. And it seems i can't return it due to copyright laws or something which says they can't exchange already sold video games...

... Bahhh ***** it, i'll have to go without. Ehh well...

See you all in the game...

#9 Jan 11 2004 at 12:16 AM Rating: Default
And while i'm at it, what level characters is frontiers aimed at? If it's mostly higher end content as most expansions are i can just pick it up in a month or so once i reach a higher level, and by then they'll probably have lowered the price a bit (yeah, so i'm a cheap ******* :D ).

#10 Jan 11 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, bummer, I figured they wouldn't be able to take it back, Like I said. You opened the box, they figure when the box is opened that you may have used the account key and made the game worthless to them anymore. Sorry about that.
Yes, the expansion is aimed more towards higher level players... say 35 and up to 60. Well, for the levels below that, it's pretty much the same ANYway, except you're missing out on the (insert Ooo here) grass graphics (sarcasm) and the fog (insert Ahhh here) that is in Select locations and LAGS you if you're in it lol. Not to mention it kills your view in critical areas. Oh and if you play an elf, and get a robe, you'll proably like those graphice better before Frontiers Anyway, because in frontiers they skimped on the cloth and make ya look like you're in pajamas.
So Since you're stuck with it anyway, I reccommend going ahead and getting your char up to 35 and then trying for frontiers again, just do NOT forget your account info.
Seeyoo in game =)
#11 Jan 11 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
To comment on the earlier post about frontiers being worth it or not to lower levels...

The new areas of land that are opened up by Frontiers, with the exception of Oggok, are primarily aimed at higher levels. But the major reasons that I recommend that you still purchase this version now are all the little perks. Such as first, ten Ability slots instead of five. This may sound like a little thing but is an amazing time saver. I usually but attack abilities on the first row and buffs on the second. Second, Class-Masteries. Why wait until your a lev 30 player before you take advantage of all the cool little abilites you can aquire to make your life so much easier. Such as, Regeneration which gives you HoT or Focus that gives you PoT, which can both save your *** in the right situation and also make your soloing faster. And Third, It's the coolest, newest thing in EverQuest land.. Why not buy it now.
#12 Jan 12 2004 at 12:10 AM Rating: Default
Yeah, i've been playing a few hours, awsome game. Unfortunately i've been forced onto a european server, which really sucks, but ahh well...

9th level Elven wizard
Some crappy foreign server
#13 Jan 12 2004 at 12:11 AM Rating: Default
Yeah, i've been playing a few hours, awsome game. Unfortunately i've been forced onto a european server, which really sucks, but ahh well...

9th level Elven wizard
Some crappy foreign server
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