Now that the expansion is far enough along, arena seasons started and people are finally 85. Is cata pvp living up to what we first thought it would?
From a limited perspective right now I did my first games of 2's today. I like the new conquest point system, getting your points until you cap is pretty awesome. I hated getting my 10 games in and then waiting and waiting until next tuesday to grab the next piece.
Arena does seem slower. I don't see people getting instagibbed beyond the fact they have 0 resil. Now there are the few problem classes, IE: feral, frostmage and warrior but thats besides the point.
Gearing up seems a lot more streamlined and much smoother. The old system was rather rigid, for some reason it seems more aesthetically pleasing to see I need to grind just 2200 honor and not 68,000 for my gear.
World pvp is back, at least on my server. I have yet to find a time when doing my TH dailies or TB dailies to run into a fight.
All in all I'm pretty satisified with the way pvp is at right now. I have my gripes about certain classes, but in general the system seems to be in a much better place. Various patches will bring us to a point where things seem normal again and certain classes/abilities get toned down.
Thoughts? Opinions? Points of view? Do share!