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New to PVP? no problem... (was forum=21)Follow

#1 Sep 10 2010 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
Follow these simple rules from

  • 1. Fool someone who's actually good into signing up for your El Stinko arena team or pre-made.

    It helps to be a raider. Running around Dalaran in your offspec phat lewtz will occasionally give people the impression that you actually know what you're doing, even when your primary contribution to raids is a "Who, me?" at being told to get out of the fire/avoid the volcanoes/don't move during Flame Wreath/run away from Leo/I told you to get out of the fire/don't Moonfire the sheep.

    Failing this, you may need to put in the time and effort to afk in a sufficient number of battlegrounds to get PVP gear. See #4.

    2. Commiserate over the fact that Armory is still bugged.

    "God*****t, I wish Blizzard would just fix their s**t. I had a 2300 rating last week and it's still not showing up! And I'm still "guildless?" Christ."

    3. Try to be any of the following: MS Warrior, (Flavor of the Month), (Flavor of the Month), or MS Warrior.

    Confucius say, wise man levels class being played by lead game designer.

    4. Actual PvP gear helps to perpetuate the illusion that you are competent.

    Horde used to have this covered by afking in the "Peace Cave" of AV. Now that the Participation Gestapo is busily sniffing around all corners of the battleground looking for lazy jerks people with a strong-minded opposition to violence and a preference for peace and quiet, it may actually be necessary to afk at a node under the guise of defending it. This exposes you to almost certain periodic death and no small amount of hassle and honor loss while you wait to rez. No one ever said that earning decent gear would be easy! For the Horde! Or whatever else the other half of the game plays, I dunno.

    5. Exhibit more frustration with failure than is probably merited.


    "You have some computer problems today?"

    "Yeah, my right mouse button doesn't work."

    6. Find someone who actually does know what they're doing, or is just insanely overgeared, and /follow.

    Did you just zone into a WSG match next to a warrior or a shaman in full Wrathful ? This person is now your god. Hug them. Love them. Stay close to them. You will draw enemies to your weak butt like a moth to the flame, and the self-interest of the Arena God will see to it that they become HK. Your relationship is a special one; symbiotic, almost. Beautiful.

    7. Blame your healer.

    There is a long and storied MMORPG tradition of blaming the healer whenever something goes horribly, horribly wrong. You're a Mage who gets one-shot in the first five seconds of the match? LOS'd your pally while a hunter's turning you into a pincushion? Rogue chewing your druid to pieces and you can't be ***** to quit beating his partner?

    Just repeat to yourself, in very soothing tone akin to that of Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting, that it's not your fault. It wasn't your fault. It's never going to be your fault. And it's especially not your fault the devs didn't give you a heal button. There, there.

    8. If you are the healer, blame the dps.

    And if they don't like it, they can go roll their own friggin' healer and experience the pleasure of being the immediate target of every yoohoo with a two-hander. Why is all the good healing gear so shiny? Why does the +81 healing enchant leave a glowing, trailing vapor so blinding that an enemy with advanced glaucoma can see you from a mile away? Blizzard should just cut the crap and skin every piece of +heal gear in the game with a giant bullseye instead of taunting us with items like Priest On A Stick.

    9. Blame the tank.

    Force of habit.

    10. Undermine the resident battleground strategist.

    Now, you know and I know that the surest means of winning any BG node is a good, old-fashioned zerg. What better way to accomplish your aims in a BG than to descend upon every tower, flag, and individual enemy as a maddened pack of lemmings? Safety in numbers! Your enemy will never have a chance to prove he's better than you are if his life gets snuffed out in less than a second. Nevertheless, there's always that one person in a BG who surveys the map like a latter-day Napoleon and calls out tips that, if obeyed, might actually work.

    Two can play at this game. Well-timed /bg posts like "No one's defending mines," "Only one defender at DR," and "All in!" should draw help to your cause regardless of whether your cause is actually worth fighting for at that point (or if you choose to include details on additional stealthed defenders). This is a war, man, and there are casualties! You may be among them but at least you won't die alone.

    11. Never forget the importance of being an otherwise useless distraction.

    This is the sole weasel tactic of actual strategic value. Anyone who's trying to kill you is someone who's not trying to kill the healer or the player capping the node/flag, and it may be time for you to accept that your most singular contribution to group PvP may be as a kamikaze. Run like a spanked cat as soon as your health hits 30%, and with any luck you'll trail a number of opportunistic sharks oblivious to the fact that someone's in their base killin their doodz.

    These rules have been used by 90% of the players and are rock solid.

    Edited, Sep 13th 2010 5:05pm by RAWDEAL
    #2 Sep 10 2010 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
    1,463 posts
    RAWDEAL wrote:
    These rules have been used by 90% of the players and are rock solid.

    Scientifically proven fact! If RAWDEAL says it, it is true!
    #3 Sep 10 2010 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
    4,684 posts
    I lol'd at "Confucius say" and "Participation Gestapo".
    #4 Sep 10 2010 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
    RAWDEAL wrote
    run away from Leo/
    made me lol really hard
    #5 Sep 10 2010 at 1:16 PM Rating: Excellent
    13,048 posts
    Going to guess this is a repost from somewhere else, as Rawdeal is far too stupid to come up with this on his own.
    #6 Sep 10 2010 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
    20,024 posts
    And Theo's got it.
    IDrownFish wrote:
    Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

    lolgaxe wrote:
    Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
    #7REDACTED, Posted: Sep 10 2010 at 1:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I got it in my email and it was funny, if Theo can copy ALL THE TIME from Arena junkies, i guess it's ok for me.
    #8 Sep 10 2010 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    idiggory wrote:

    Oh goodie. Time to rate him down, as usual, for making a stupid post*. Smiley: schooled

    * Stupid, in this case, means that he didn't credit where he got his lulz from, thus making him a *******.

    RAWDEAL wrote:
    Overlord Theophany wrote:
    Going to guess this is a repost from somewhere else, as Rawdeal is far too stupid to come up with this on his own.
    I got it in my email and it was funny, if Theo can copy ALL THE TIME from Arena junkies, i guess it's ok for me.

    We have two things in common Theo, we love PVP and we don't have a Gladiator title. Thanks for reading my thread and keep on working on your PVP 101, one day you will be famous in Goldshire.

    The difference being that I've actually been to 2200, and that I don't copy VERBATIM without giving credit to my sources.

    That's a thing in academia known as plagiarism, and you get thrown out for doing it. Smiley: wink

    Edited, Sep 10th 2010 12:51pm by Theophany
    #9 Sep 10 2010 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
    1,463 posts
    RAWDEAL wrote:
    Overlord Theophany wrote:
    Going to guess this is a repost from somewhere else, as Rawdeal is far too stupid to come up with this on his own.
    I got it in my email and it was funny, if Theo can copy ALL THE TIME from Arena junkies, i guess it's ok for me.

    We have two things in common Theo, we love PVP and we don't have a Gladiator title. Thanks for reading my thread and keep on working on your PVP 101, one day you will be famous in Goldshire.

    At least give the other guy some acknowledgement.

    What you did is plaguarism.

    I trust theos judgement, not yours.
    #10 Sep 10 2010 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
    2,580 posts
    How to be good at PvP...... the system.
    #11 Sep 10 2010 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
    1,574 posts
    RAWDEAL wrote:
    I got it in my email and it was funny....

    Rated down for plagiarism. Passing along funny or useful material is fine. Making it seem like you came up with it is not.
    #12REDACTED, Posted: Sep 10 2010 at 7:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Theo,Theo,theo, 2200 is nothing. You can dupe your fanclub but not me. Keep practicing!
    #13 Sep 10 2010 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    RAWDEAL wrote:
    Overlord Theophany wrote:
    RAWDEAL wrote:
    We have two things in common Theo, we love PVP and we don't have a Gladiator title. Thanks for reading my thread and keep on working on your PVP 101, one day you will be famous in Goldshire.

    The difference being that I've actually been to 2200,
    Theo,Theo,theo, 2200 is nothing. You can dupe your fanclub but not me. Keep practicing!

    I don't have a fanclub.

    Also, 2200 in S4 (when rets were completely OP) was a pretty big deal.

    Edited, Sep 10th 2010 7:11pm by Theophany
    #14 Sep 10 2010 at 9:01 PM Rating: Good
    20,024 posts
    I don't have a fanclub.

    Crap, did I forget to let you know...?
    IDrownFish wrote:
    Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

    lolgaxe wrote:
    Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
    #15 Sep 10 2010 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    idiggory wrote:
    I don't have a fanclub.

    Crap, did I forget to let you know...?

    Alright, well one person doesn't make a fanclub.

    Why do I get the feeling this is going in the same direction as the "E-Laid" thread? Smiley: facepalm

    Edited, Sep 10th 2010 8:05pm by Theophany
    #16 Sep 10 2010 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
    20,024 posts
    Well, I'm pretty sure I could get Teacake and Pigtails on board...
    IDrownFish wrote:
    Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

    lolgaxe wrote:
    Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
    #17 Sep 10 2010 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
    7,732 posts
    RAWDEAL wrote:
    Overlord Theophany wrote:
    Going to guess this is a repost from somewhere else, as Rawdeal is far too stupid to come up with this on his own.
    I got it in my email and it was funny, if Theo can copy ALL THE TIME from Arena junkies, i guess it's ok for me.

    We have two things in common Theo, we love PVP and we don't have a Gladiator title. Thanks for reading my thread and keep on working on your PVP 101, one day you will be famous in Goldshire.

    Famous in Goldshire made me chuckle.

    I'm bet if you edited the source into the OP people would be less angry.


    idiggory wrote:
    Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
    #18 Sep 10 2010 at 11:08 PM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    Horsemouth wrote:
    RAWDEAL wrote:
    Overlord Theophany wrote:
    Going to guess this is a repost from somewhere else, as Rawdeal is far too stupid to come up with this on his own.
    I got it in my email and it was funny, if Theo can copy ALL THE TIME from Arena junkies, i guess it's ok for me.

    We have two things in common Theo, we love PVP and we don't have a Gladiator title. Thanks for reading my thread and keep on working on your PVP 101, one day you will be famous in Goldshire.

    Famous in Goldshire made me chuckle.

    I'm bet if you edited the source into the OP people would be less angry.

    Yeah, I wouldn't have cared one iota, as long as the source was there, much like people linking that one comic with Donald.

    I also thought it was pretty funny, but also felt that I should point out that it was probably stolen.
    #19 Sep 11 2010 at 6:16 AM Rating: Excellent
    Ghost in the Machine
    36,443 posts
    Give me back my arrows so I can rate down some sumbitches! Smiley: mad
    Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
    #20 Sep 11 2010 at 6:23 AM Rating: Excellent
    4,074 posts
    idiggory wrote:
    Well, I'm pretty sure I could get Teacake and Pigtails on board...

    I make it a point not to join any organization that doesn't serve cookies.
    #21 Sep 11 2010 at 6:24 AM Rating: Good
    Ghost in the Machine
    36,443 posts
    Never join an organization that serves brownies. They're just trying to keep you distracted with the creamy, delicious and dark chocolate while they do something naughty.
    Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
    #22 Sep 11 2010 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
    20,024 posts
    I have a wide selection of cookies, brownies, cakes and pies. :)
    IDrownFish wrote:
    Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

    lolgaxe wrote:
    Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
    #23 Sep 11 2010 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
    527 posts
    I have a wide selection of cookies, brownies, cakes and pies. :)

    Like Mazra said don't trust any orginization serving brownies. Now with the cakes and pies to i'm wondering what the catch is. There has got to be a reason for all that hush money.
    #24 Sep 11 2010 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
    20,024 posts
    Like Mazra said don't trust any orginization serving brownies. Now with the cakes and pies to i'm wondering what the catch is. There has got to be a reason for all that hush money.

    They're just innocent gifts. Really.


    P.S. I have chocolates and alcohol too.
    IDrownFish wrote:
    Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

    lolgaxe wrote:
    Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
    #25 Sep 11 2010 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
    Mazra wrote:
    Never join an organization that serves brownies. They're just trying to keep you distracted with the creamy, delicious and dark chocolate while they do something naughty.

    This is how I got my first date and my first night in bed with my girlfriend. True story.
    #26 Sep 12 2010 at 12:07 AM Rating: Good
    20,024 posts
    This is how I got my first date and my first night in bed with my girlfriend. True story.

    Crumbs. Everywhere.

    IDrownFish wrote:
    Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

    lolgaxe wrote:
    Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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