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Artisans screwed upFollow

#1 Nov 06 2004 at 6:20 AM Rating: Default
Anyone here playing Beta as well???

Any clue on why they removed the shaped- items from the NPC? Right now it's impossible to be crafting, cause half of the items needs to be made by someone with a different tradecraft, and half of that isn't even possible to create at this moment!

There's no chance in hell I'm gonna be raising a weaponsmith if it remains like this. The promise that they made that all crafters could continue leveling (with lower quality items, but still) is now official ********* cause it's even impossible to make an Iron Greatsword right now. Simply cause there's no way to get an Iron Pommel, or an Iron Shod. They're just not *(&#$*(#$( craftable :/
#2 Nov 06 2004 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Everybody has been having the same problem.I have heard that these are suppose to be fixxed for game release. But won't be fixxed in beta since beta ends tonight at midnight EST. Which sucks since I was hoping they'd keep it running till Sunday. Oh well kiss my characters good-bye and start all over again.
#3 Nov 06 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
Erm... I guess not everyone in Beta reads the announcements/boards. First, interdependancy was planned from the start and is key component of the economy. Get used to it - it's not going away. I think that some crafters will want to be part of a guild, so they can get access to the crafting goodies only accessible via a guild. Those folks will have guildees to turn to for missing components.

Second, when you join a tradeskill society (different than a guild) and do quests for it, you are raising the status of that society. It is widely believed that the "missing" tradeskill components will appear in the tradeskill society with higher status.

Finally, tradeskilling was made easier in Beta so people could skillup at a faster than normal rate, for the purpose of testing the higher level recipes. When they put in the new tradeskill instances, harvest skilling etc, they were resetting the difficulty to normal. I started again from the beginning and I can see it working. Beta ends today.

#4 Nov 06 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
One final thought on interdependencies. Remember, if *you* need something a different tradeskill makes, then *they* need something YOU can make. Trade for it. :)

What would really make this work is if the automated trading system could be setup to allow trades for other than coin. In other words, post your 'Pommels' for sale for 'Blades' on an x for y basis. I am not in the beta, so forgive me if this is how it works already.

They actually had this sort of interdependency crafting in the Luclin module. You could not make the Beastlord crafted weapons unless you acquired components made by three or four different crafting professions.

I am actually looking forward to this way of working. When I made my Beastlord Claws, I was contacting all sorts of folks looking for someone that could do the crafting I needed; I actually had the components, just needed someone to craft them for me. Some did it for free; some charged plat. But, it was fun. A real Quest. And when the Claws were finally made, that was a moment!

So, maybe it will be different. But heck, I am bored with the same-old same-old. Let's move on and do something different together.

See You In-Country
#5 Nov 06 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
806 posts
The #1 problem right now is that the wholesaler social structure isn't levelled up for the level of the crafters out there. By the time a lot of crafters are in their teens/twenties in retail, the wholesaler will have a correct selection of resources for the crafters.
#6 Nov 06 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
if you wouldve read what I said ;p

It is NOT possible AT ALL to create an Iron Pommel, or an Iron Arrowhead.
The recipes for those are non-existent.
The NPC used to sell em, but now not evne that anymore.

That means my job is completely useless at it stands right now, cause for eveyr weapon I make I need to make either a Iron Pommel (or Carbonite Pommel) or an Iron/Carbonite Shod.

There are NO recipes for those (and yes I even have all the "rare" outfitter and weaponsmith books upto lvl25).

I reported this as a bug like god knows how many times.
But at least the NPC was selling em so I didnt care much. But now ofcourse I do ;p

And about that story of higher lvl artisan zone, I doubt that.

Cause you can also leave an artisan zone. It would end up in everyone going to the same Artisan zone. I doubt SOE wouldve done that ;p

Neither did they made the promise of the lower quality items only for beta.They have it under the Artisan info on their official site. So they intended it for the full release of the game.

Edited, Sat Nov 6 17:59:27 2004 by SmokinHippy
#7 Nov 06 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I believe both iron arrowheads and iron pommels were late additions to the recipe lists (like the day before the beta shutdown).
#8 Nov 06 2004 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
I would not worry for a second about critical crafting items not being available. If Sony did anything with EQ1, it was update it constantly; both Client side updates, and the infamous 'silent' Server side updates. For me, I am going to be looking at the first few months of EQ2 as an extended Beta which, at the end, I get to keep my characters. :)

Those who want a really finished product should probably join EQ2 in 3 months or so. Heck, play WoW until then. WoW should be good for 3 months of play, till it gets dead-dog boring.

Edited, Sat Nov 6 21:09:16 2004 by shoalwaters
#9 Nov 08 2004 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
Listen, you're a beta tester. You're supposed to find things that are wrong, not complain about them. Most likely if everyone is having the same problem it will be fixed by release.
#10 Nov 08 2004 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
hey when I found thing that are wrong, and 2 months later that they're still wrong. Thats when I start *********

Dunno if they added it the last day. Didnt play the last 2 days anymore so. Could be... hopefully... cause it was a serious ***** :)

And for all those stupid ***** that downgraded me: get a life
feel free to downgrade this post as well, seems like you all got nothing better to do sometimes.
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