I've been playing EverQuest for a little over a year now and I have a limited amount of time to play. I cannot play every day but I do play more than once a week.
Being relatively new to the EverQuest community, I have enjoyed my time playing EQ but have always had a general feeling of sort of "being behind". I'm not one of those types that has to be "the best" or have "the most", but the disparity between twinked and untwinked characters is quite extreme and, quite frankly, can sometimes be very annoying.
For example, recently I was playing with my 30 SK. Among my characters, this one happens to have the best gear. (A few months ago I was grouped with a shaman whom I enjoyed playing with. He decided he wasn't going to play his SK anymore, went and logged him in, and gave me the gear he had purchased for him. It's mainly some sort of crustacean armor and stuff like that.) Anyhow, I coudln't find anyone group with for a LDoN or anything else, so while passing through PoK I announced in /ooc that I was LFG. A 39 wizard and a 33 necro joined up with me and suggested that we go to Dawnshroud Peaks.
The necromancer took charge and started pulling mobs that were all red to me. I managed to survive the first 5 or 6 pulls but really needed a rest, so I made a group tell to that effect. Around that time a cleric joined. I was told by the necro to resummon my pet (which had died a short time earlier), have it attack and just sit there. If I joined in the fun I would be "wasting the cleric's mana". His pet would MT. Now, I ask you, given the wimpy nature of a SK pet, how would that be any fun at all? I understand that maybe I wasn't as "uber" as everyone else, but c'mon. I politely excused myself and camped.
Now for the question I have about EQ2.
I'm grateful to all the people who have invested so much time and effort into beta testing the game so that the rest of us will have a better product upon release. (I am asking in advance to forgive my general ignorance about how such things work, as I do not have much experience in MMORPGs.) I imagine that beta testers are rewarded for their work by getting to keep some things that they accumulated during the beta period, such as experience levels, items, whatever, etc. Is my assumption correct?
If it is, is any effort generally made to keep some servers free of these characters? I'd really like to, for once, start out on the ground floor, the same as everyone else, instead of having to deal with people who somehow or other outclass you from day one.