Gnu wrote:
Have you done your Hunting log? There is a ton of EXP waiting there for you.
I just finished 48-50 with Hunting Log. The final 40,000 EXP bonus for Rank 5 Hunting Log completion put me to 50.
The story quests will give you a steady 10,000+ EXP each.
If you haven't explored the last little bit of each area, go do that. At your level the completion bonus for exploring the last little piece of each map is around 20,000k. (With each individual bit of map being close to 2,000 EXP.)
Also, while finishing out the Story Quest you will be walking right next to a bunch of similarly leveled Fates. Don't find them, they will find you.
I did quite a few run's of Cutter's Cry around that level, and Aurum Vale. I ran those a few times from 45-50 and each one seemed to net almost a half of a level, around 150~200,000 EXP.
Queue for dungeons and Garuda and then work on Hunting Log!
Exactly this.
I was kinda bummed when I didn't see that many quests around these levels, so I queued up a few more times for Dzemel Darkhold and Stone Vigil. I also completed my Hunting Log. Of course FATES were thrown in there too. I did leves, and GC leves but I usually would just mine while waiting in the queue. Leves, at least battle ones (and non GC) are really only good to do if you see a piece of gear you want, or if you really need gil. DoH and DoL leves are just way better. FATES are too good not to level with, especially with alts.
But compared to (Vanilla) WoW, I remember grinding out the last two levels. In ARR, it still is a bit of a grind, but there's so much more to do. And really, once you get to 49, there seem to be a bunch of quests that pop up, making getting from 49 to 50 pretty easy.