It occurred to me last night, that while leveling Cnj and Gla, party invites are near instantaneous while as I was leveling Thm and Acn, I would wait for an hour or more between dungeon crawls. The amount of DDs queuing into DF is too damn high!
..or is it?
I realized while doing fate parties in Aleport yesterday that the party system actually allows for eight members. Call me a noob or a dummy for not knowing this before, I'm not the type of person who reads the manual before playing an MMO. Part of the fun to me is figuring out things for myself. But, this has left me with a huge unanswerable question..
Why doesn't the dungeon finder allow for 8 man parties?
I mean, the dirth of tanks and healers has not only led to blatant elitism and trolling, but the system itself slows down progress for second jobs as a result. Do you think it would make sense to adjust the difficulty of the dungeons themselves to support 8 man parties?