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This kind of behavior from a level 50 tank? Seriously?Follow

#102 Sep 18 2013 at 1:47 AM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
Magilicotti wrote:
Speaking of tanking properly, I have a question about a macro I want to set up. Basically I am only interested in marking one mob at a time, thus I want to just place the number 1 mark up and I've been using:

/enemysign attack1 <t>
/ac "Heavy Swing" <t>

However each time I use Heavy Swing, it'll turn off/on the attack sign 1. Is there a stop script line I need to use? I cannot seem to get it to work properly.

have you tried adding /wait 1 to it? maybe?

(note this is just blind guessing)

Edited, Sep 18th 2013 12:48am by Olorinus
#103 Sep 18 2013 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
Magilicotti wrote:
Speaking of tanking properly, I have a question about a macro I want to set up. Basically I am only interested in marking one mob at a time, thus I want to just place the number 1 mark up and I've been using:

/enemysign attack1 <t>
/ac "Heavy Swing" <t>

However each time I use Heavy Swing, it'll turn off/on the attack sign 1. Is there a stop script line I need to use? I cannot seem to get it to work properly.

have you tried adding /wait 1 to it? maybe?

(note this is just blind guessing)

Edited, Sep 18th 2013 12:48am by Olorinus

Well no, but time isn't an issue because I am using Heavy Swing on GC rotation. I want it to be applied to what I am attacking basically, and if the target changes Heavy Swing is about the first ability I am using on a mob. I am beginning to rethink this strategy. I am using a controller and macro spots are at a premium. I may try to keybind the signs... but when I'd like to use just the controller to accomplish this.
#104 Sep 18 2013 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Magilicotti wrote:
Well no, but time isn't an issue because I am using Heavy Swing on GC rotation. I want it to be applied to what I am attacking basically, and if the target changes Heavy Swing is about the first ability I am using on a mob. I am beginning to rethink this strategy. I am using a controller and macro spots are at a premium. I may try to keybind the signs... but when I'd like to use just the controller to accomplish this.

Just make a keybind for the enemysign part of the macro. Shift+[insert your Heavy Swing keybind here]. There's a ton of buttons on a keyboard Smiley: nod
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#105 Sep 18 2013 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Magilicotti wrote:
Well no, but time isn't an issue because I am using Heavy Swing on GC rotation. I want it to be applied to what I am attacking basically, and if the target changes Heavy Swing is about the first ability I am using on a mob. I am beginning to rethink this strategy. I am using a controller and macro spots are at a premium. I may try to keybind the signs... but when I'd like to use just the controller to accomplish this.

Just make a keybind for the enemysign part of the macro. Shift+[insert your Heavy Swing keybind here]. There's a ton of buttons on a keyboard Smiley: nod

Noooooo I say to your evil keyboards!

But I think you're right. I may have to go KB&Mice for tanking. I totally love the controller for a lot of functions in this game, but targeting and cross bar limited buttons can help me get a party killed quickly. Yes, I do know that I can access more cross bar slots by holding R1 and pushing a corresponding button for a new page.. but that becomes too much work when in group play.
#106 Sep 18 2013 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
204 posts
Magilicotti wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Magilicotti wrote:
Well no, but time isn't an issue because I am using Heavy Swing on GC rotation. I want it to be applied to what I am attacking basically, and if the target changes Heavy Swing is about the first ability I am using on a mob. I am beginning to rethink this strategy. I am using a controller and macro spots are at a premium. I may try to keybind the signs... but when I'd like to use just the controller to accomplish this.

Just make a keybind for the enemysign part of the macro. Shift+[insert your Heavy Swing keybind here]. There's a ton of buttons on a keyboard Smiley: nod

Noooooo I say to your evil keyboards!

But I think you're right. I may have to go KB&Mice for tanking. I totally love the controller for a lot of functions in this game, but targeting and cross bar limited buttons can help me get a party killed quickly. Yes, I do know that I can access more cross bar slots by holding R1 and pushing a corresponding button for a new page.. but that becomes too much work when in group play.

It is possible to work at full efficency as a Warrior on a controller. You need to make good use of macros. For instance using this line1- heavy swing line2- tomahawk. This frees up one space on your bar. You could macro some defensive abilities in order of importance without wait times. So each time you click it, the next action gets popped.

Put your mount, sprint and defiance on a seperate bar as they are not generally needed in dungeons. Unless you die you would need to reapply defiance then switch back.

By doing macros like this you can easily free up enough space to set some marks to your hotbar.

Edit: There is half a Warrior guide over on the Warrior subforum if anyone would like get afew tips. It should be finished by Friday.

Edited, Sep 18th 2013 8:56am by Warby
#107 Sep 18 2013 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
As I've gotten to higher and higher levels I've found, as a dps, that marks are really REALLY helpful.

Let me give an example:

I was in Stone Vigil yesterday.. on the very first pull the tank just ran in and started whacking things. Now whenever a tank doesn't mark things, I generally focus the target they started with. Well it didn't take much focusing...after 2 attacks I had pulled threat on that target. So I switch to another target to try and give the tank time to get the first one back. One attack later, I have threat on the second target.

At this point I'm popping defensive cooldowns and searching the auto-translator for "Please set the enemy marks." Because me just watching the threat meter clearly isn't quite enough.

I'm not an idiot. I know how threat works, and I know how to read the two threat meters provided. I know when to hold back, I know when to switch targets to avoid pulling threat. But this was literally after pushing two buttons.

This isn't an attempt to make myself look amazing, or to say that "lulz tankz r bad l2p." This is intended to illustrate that not all tanks are capable of holding threat from dps that are doing their job properly without the assistance of the marking system...or telepathy.

Edited, Sep 14th 2013 10:10am by Callinon

I recently experienced this. But it's really tough to see what mob they are attacking, unless I'm eyeing the mob's health bars. I may mark things myself for them once I figure out what they are hitting.

Edited, Sep 18th 2013 9:21am by TwilightSkye
#108 Sep 18 2013 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
90 posts
for the macro conversation:

I dont know if it will make a difference but try using:

/mk attack1 <t>

instead of /enemysign

On the whole subject of marking, im of the opinion that if you mark (even though its not necessary) the fights go a lot smoother. So instead of saying "If the dps just pay attention you don't need to mark" save yourself the head ache and just make a marking macro.. its not hard and results in very smooth runs.
#109 Sep 18 2013 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
It is possible to work at full efficncy as a Warrior on a controller. You need to make good use of macros. For instance using this line1- heavy swing line2- tomahawk. This frees up one space on your bar. You could macro some defensive abilities in order of importance without wait times. So each time you click it, the next action gets popped

Explain the Heavy Swing followed by a Tomahawk macro? Or was that just an example, because I was not aware that is something to do. What is length of wait you can apply to a macro line? I'd feel weird applying too much to one macro.. like I'd lose a bit of control when reacting to different situations. he defensive macro is a good idea, rate up.

Put your mount, sprint and defiance on a seperate bar as they are not generally needed in dungeons. Unless you die you would need to reapply defiance then switch back.

Oh yeah, that's been done long before now. A good tip for others out there though. And while this can help solve controller cross bar space issues, it does little to fix the issue of controller targeting.

On the whole subject of marking, im of the opinion that if you mark (even though its not necessary) the fights go a lot smoother. So instead of saying "If the dps just pay attention you don't need to mark" save yourself the head ache and just make a marking macro.. its not hard and results in very smooth runs.

That's what I am discussing here. I think, and it is my opinion, I know.. that throwing out many marks are fine in raid settings.. but I think simple dungeon runs will require less marks. I like to throw up one. Just one, of the mob I am currently attacking. My stance is.. if you can pull hate off that one, then I deserve some lip about it. Pull hate off the others than it's your own fault. (excluding healers)
#110 Sep 18 2013 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Pontipy wrote:
for the macro conversation:

I dont know if it will make a difference but try using:

/mk attack1 <t>

instead of /enemysign

This doesn't work either as that is what I use and I have the same issue. My problem is that I keep my #1 mark on my Tomahawk button so it will at the very least mark my pull, but I have a tendency to run in to the fight spamming my Tomahawk button so it goes off as I am inbound. What ends up happening is both good and bad. On the one hand, it makes the #1 symbol flash above their head to make it easier to see which one I am going after, but it also leaves the target unmarked 50% of the time depending on when Tomahawk goes off. The other problem is that once I initiate a pull, I don't use Tomahawk again in a fight unless an enemy gets loose so I only ever mark my first target.

I really want a line that activates the mark and leaves it there, then I could switch to having mark on Heavy Swing and just go from there. I am also thinking of changing from the #1 mark to X mark since it is more visible and if I am only marking one target, it should be very obvious which one it is. The other thing I am dabbling with is establishing an alphabetical kill order at the onset of a dungeon. Simply kill from top to bottom on the enemies list and then there is no room for confusion. Then, the only time marking matters is on mini-boss and higher encounters wherein a different kill order may be necessitated.
#111 Sep 18 2013 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good

Explain the Heavy Swing followed by a Tomahawk macro? Or was that just an example, because I was not aware that is something to do. What is length of wait you can apply to a macro line? I'd feel weird applying too much to one macro.. like I'd lose a bit of control when reacting to different situations. he defensive macro is a good idea, rate up.

Far from a Macro expert, but I spent a few good hours messing with them last weekend:

/ta <t>
/ac "Heavy swing" <t>
/wait 2.5
/ac "Skull sunder" <t>

….ect and added /waits and /ac as wanted

At first I did not have the /ta <t> and was noticing my weapon skills were hitting whatever mob hit me last. So in a dungeon of 3 mobs hitting me, it would be chaotic, and I would not want to use that in Duty Finder.

Like I said though, far from an expert and this is just what I happened on while trying to find things out on my own.
#112 Sep 18 2013 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
204 posts
Magilicotti wrote:
It is possible to work at full efficncy as a Warrior on a controller. You need to make good use of macros. For instance using this line1- heavy swing line2- tomahawk. This frees up one space on your bar. You could macro some defensive abilities in order of importance without wait times. So each time you click it, the next action gets popped

Explain the Heavy Swing followed by a Tomahawk macro? Or was that just an example, because I was not aware that is something to do. What is length of wait you can apply to a macro line? I'd feel weird applying too much to one macro.. like I'd lose a bit of control when reacting to different situations. he defensive macro is a good idea, rate up.

Put your mount, sprint and defiance on a seperate bar as they are not generally needed in dungeons. Unless you die you would need to reapply defiance then switch back.

Oh yeah, that's been done long before now. A good tip for others out there though. And while this can help solve controller cross bar space issues, it does little to fix the issue of controller targeting.

On the whole subject of marking, im of the opinion that if you mark (even though its not necessary) the fights go a lot smoother. So instead of saying "If the dps just pay attention you don't need to mark" save yourself the head ache and just make a marking macro.. its not hard and results in very smooth runs.

That's what I am discussing here. I think, and it is my opinion, I know.. that throwing out many marks are fine in raid settings.. but I think simple dungeon runs will require less marks. I like to throw up one. Just one, of the mob I am currently attacking. My stance is.. if you can pull hate off that one, then I deserve some lip about it. Pull hate off the others than it's your own fault. (excluding healers)

The macro i used as an example is actually one i use.
Basically, if the mob is in range of your heavy swing, then heavy swing will activate. If the mob is out of heavy swing range it uses the next one on the list which is your ranged attack tomahawk.

I never have wait times in any of my macros, as i agree it takes away some of your controll. I just put actions straight after otheres so, aslong as the action at the top is not yet ready the second one will activate.
#113 Sep 18 2013 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Of course, that only goes so far. There have to be conditions that exclude one ability over the other. In the case of your Heavy Swing / Tomahawk macro the condition is range, and that is only true if you don't spam keys while the GCD is happening. What I have noticed is that when you have two or more actions on a single macro it tries them sequentially. If you spam your HS/Tom macro you will occasionally get a Tomahawk while in-close because at the moment you hit your macro HS was on GCD and by the time it reaches the second line the GCD has expired and thus Tomahawk is fired off. This happens a lot with my defensive cooldown macro and my MNKs combo macro. On my MNK I have a progressive combo macro since one thing enables the next, but you cannot spam it because you will miss the timings on GCDs and fire off the incorrect action.

As for the 2.5sec wait it is especially problematic since you can only use whole numbers for /wait and the GCD is a fraction so you lose a lot of efficiency by trying to string together combos to a single button press. For example, if you wanted to chain together a full combo you would have to do the following:

/ac "Heavy Swing" <t>
/wait 3
/ac "Skull Sunder" <t>
/wait 3
/ac "Butcher's Block" <t>

Now, the GCD does not rise above 2.5sec so that is the ceiling (unless slow has an effect here) so at the very least, you're losing 1.5sec with each macro press. This only gets worse and worse as you apply +SkillSpeed and the GCD is reduced even more (that becomes a lot of DPS over time). If you stacked enough +SkSpd to bring your GCD down to 2sec (if that is even possible) then you could probably do something really nice with it, but even then you will likely encounter latency issues that eat up some of your attacks and ruin your combos.

Edited, Sep 18th 2013 11:10am by Azoria
#114 Sep 18 2013 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
Llester wrote:

more than thousands. and i still don't feel the need to narrow my gameplay to only FATEs. I mean, i see the other side of this, but I just don't see the fun in pursuing the most efficient exp/hour at the cost of fun. i'm well aware that i'm in the minority on this.

I agree, I don't feel sorry for any one who fate grinds to 50 and then complains about the game being boring.

As far as tanking, I don't really care if a tank marks or not, I'm smart enough not to draw aggro, but personal preference, I would rather they marked, just cause to me it makes things easier having a kill order. The tank I run with marks all mobs, he does it in about 2 secs, and he does it on a controller.

I played a DK tank in Wrath, and for me it got to the point that if someone started pulling in front of me or just consistently pulling aggro by not assisting off me, I would ask them to stop, if they kept doing it, I let them die. Sure its just a random dungeon, and its not "srs biznus" but there is no point in making someone else's job harder.
#115 Sep 18 2013 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
Okay.. I am switching back to KB&M and I've done keybinding. It's an old keybind setup I'd use healing in another MMO before and I loved the hand positioning associated with it. Basically I've gone from a horizontal position (1-0) to a more vertical. If I can somehow crudely illustrate below:

1 2 3 4

What this does for me is allow my hand to rest completely over the key bound area. My middle finger rests over the number 2 key. (I've also applied a drop of super glue giving a raised bump for physical verification) while my index finger is resting on the letter E key, and my ring finger likewise over the Q key. My index finger is a busy little finger in all of this, as it controls what I've got slotted in the number 4 and 5 key (5 is optional because the finger can slide comfortably over) Also note my hand can slide upwards slightly giving my index and ring finger easy control over the number 1 & 3 key without losing positioning for the middle finger's number 2 key.

My pinky is easily able to reach the TAB key for targeting that way if needed. And I've reset the CTRL keybinds for the 2nd hot bar to ALT, this way my thumb, usually resting over the far left side of the space bar can hit and hold ALT for my now 2nd hot bar set. Now this will take a bit of getting use to, especially the hand slide south to activate A,S,D and Z & X (if you needed those two assigned for anything) but now I have complete control with little hand movement.

I haven't used this set up in a long time, so I'll go test run on some guildleves, then a couple guildhests before committing to tanking a dungeon.

Oh, and in case you are wondering my keykind set up, it's as follows,

Hot Bar One
1 - Flash
2- Skull Sunder
3 - Overpower
4 - Tamahawk
Q - Heavy Swing
W - Brutal Swing
E - Butcher's Block
A - Maim
S - Mercy Strike
D - Storm's Path
Z - Attack Sign 1
X - Attack Sign 2

Hot Bar Two
Alt+1 - Foresight
Alt+2 - Bloodbath
Alt+3 - Convalescence
Alt+4 Inner Beast
Alt+Q - Fracture
Alt+W - Limit Break
Alt+E - Thrill of Battle
Alt+A - Berserk
Alt+S - Unchained
Alt+D - n/a
Alt+Z - n/a
Alt+X - n/a

I've also key bounded to 5 through 0 various things.. food, choco, sprint, Defiance, etc.. And yes, this eliminated WASD movement.. but I haven't used WASD to move an MMO character for many years.
#116 Sep 18 2013 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
2,430 posts
That is one of the several smart ways to keybind. Standard, out of the box MMO keybind setups are horribly wrong. I'm using a controller now and enjoying it, but am going to setup my usual keybind system as well (not too different from yours) in preparation for harder endgame content and especially PvP.

With my setup i generally have W and R for strafe, and everything else around those keys bound to abilities based on priority/ease of access. And i place them on my bars in such a way as to essentially mirror my keyboard.

Strafe with KBD, move/turn with mouse is the rule. Also, i avoid modifiers (ALT + key) as much as possible.

Some of the setups i've seen in guides are horribly bad. I mostly stole mine from Taugrim's guide and modified it.

edit: wait, the game doesn't force you to use modifiers for different hotbars does it? that would make me sad.

Edited, Sep 18th 2013 4:11pm by Llester

Edited, Sep 18th 2013 4:23pm by Llester
#117 Sep 19 2013 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
Azoria wrote:
Of course, that only goes so far. There have to be conditions that exclude one ability over the other. In the case of your Heavy Swing / Tomahawk macro the condition is range, and that is only true if you don't spam keys while the GCD is happening. What I have noticed is that when you have two or more actions on a single macro it tries them sequentially. If you spam your HS/Tom macro you will occasionally get a Tomahawk while in-close because at the moment you hit your macro HS was on GCD and by the time it reaches the second line the GCD has expired and thus Tomahawk is fired off. This happens a lot with my defensive cooldown macro and my MNKs combo macro. On my MNK I have a progressive combo macro since one thing enables the next, but you cannot spam it because you will miss the timings on GCDs and fire off the incorrect action.

As for the 2.5sec wait it is especially problematic since you can only use whole numbers for /wait and the GCD is a fraction so you lose a lot of efficiency by trying to string together combos to a single button press. For example, if you wanted to chain together a full combo you would have to do the following:

/ac "Heavy Swing" <t>
/wait 3
/ac "Skull Sunder" <t>
/wait 3
/ac "Butcher's Block" <t>

Now, the GCD does not rise above 2.5sec so that is the ceiling (unless slow has an effect here) so at the very least, you're losing 1.5sec with each macro press. This only gets worse and worse as you apply +SkillSpeed and the GCD is reduced even more (that becomes a lot of DPS over time). If you stacked enough +SkSpd to bring your GCD down to 2sec (if that is even possible) then you could probably do something really nice with it, but even then you will likely encounter latency issues that eat up some of your attacks and ruin your combos.

Edited, Sep 18th 2013 11:10am by Azoria

This is absolutely not true.

/wait 2.5 works perfectly well.

So does /wait .5 and /wait .1 and any other combination of #.#

The cooldowns are specifically 2.49 so that this will work. Check it out.

#118 Sep 19 2013 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
66 posts
I will have to test it again then because I remember in beta I could not get my wait times to work and the answer I got was the one I posted. It would appear I have spread misinformation, and for that, I apologize.
#119 Sep 19 2013 at 1:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Azoria wrote:
I will have to test it again then because I remember in beta I could not get my wait times to work and the answer I got was the one I posted. It would appear I have spread misinformation, and for that, I apologize.

It's np. That issue your are having where the stacked macros sometime go off in the wrong order is spot on. Latency can also cause this /wait 2.5 kind of macro to fail, so the extra .5 can sometimes work better. Still, you do lose DPS over a long fight as you said.

For DPS especially it seems much better to keep your attacks spammable.

/macroicon "Vorpal Thrust"
/ac "Raging Strikes" <me>
/ac "Vorpal Thrust" <t>

I really like to add Raging Strikes into my main attack. Works well for spells to:

/macroicon "Fire"
/ac "Virus" <t>
/ac "Raging Strikes" <me>
/ac "Fire" <t>

This way I will always cast Virus and Raging Strike at the start of the fight. Just keep spamming until Fire goes off. The /wait 2.5 equivalent would be sub-par IMO.

Any discussion about Macros should include sharing /macroicon with anyone who is not aware. It is not on Lodestone's text list. It makes the Icon appear as the Ability named would, including cooldown and MP cost. To keep the macros straight in your big Macro Page you can still assign a matching an icon to it. /macroicon will overwrite whatever you pick when you set it to your hotbar. (I just make them match so I know which is which on the Macro Page.)

I really like this one for ARC too:

/macroicon "Aetherflow"
/ac "Aetherflow" <me>
/ac "Energy Drain" <t>

Notice in this one the icon that is displayed is Aetherflow, since you want to actually watch the Aetherflow cooldown to know when Energy Drain is ready again.

Here's a couple more for THM:

/macroicon "Blizzard"
/ac "Transpose" <me>
/ac "Blizzard" <t>

Now when you are low MP you just have to start spamming this. The cooldown for Transpose is generally long enough for your MP to refill, so it won't go off a second time until you are ready. At almost full MP I usually cast:

/macroicon "Fire III"
/ac "Swiftcast" <me>
/ac "Fire III" <t>

It's nice to shortcut the casting time of Fire III, and immediately get the full stacks of Astral Fire without casting Transpose to go back to fire.

Here's InstaSleep:

/macroicon "Sleep"
/ac "Swiftcast" <me>
/ac "Sleep" <t>

And a good one for WHM and "Oh-sh*t" is:

/macroicon "Cure III"
/ac "Swiftcast" <me>
/ac "Cure III" <t>

Another one where short-cutting the casting time is doubly beneficial.

Hope this ends up helping someone. :)

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 4:26pm by Gnu
#120 Sep 19 2013 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
I think more people would be tank if this game had better targeting.. Tried it to 21 and it is a pain in the ###
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#121 Sep 19 2013 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Nashred wrote:
I think more people would be tank if this game had better targeting.. Tried it to 21 and it is a pain in the ###

The targeting for melee isn't much better.

Oh, there are two mobs in front of me but tab grabbed the thing 2 levels down and behind me? Oh, that's super.. thanks.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#122 Sep 19 2013 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Nashred wrote:
I think more people would be tank if this game had better targeting.. Tried it to 21 and it is a pain in the ###

The targeting for melee isn't much better.

Oh, there are two mobs in front of me but tab grabbed the thing 2 levels down and behind me? Oh, that's super.. thanks.

I don't use tab. Tab wasn't good to use in FFXI either. For that, I used the mouse. I do something different in XIV however, that involves, I think the X button(dont know PC equivalent) which USUALLY selects the nearest target, then I shortcut from there with the direction pad, pressing whatever directional button the intended mob I want to target is at.
#123 Sep 19 2013 at 4:46 PM Rating: Excellent
154 posts
Thanks for sharing that /macroicon, Gnu. I'm going to add that to mine starting now. As far as macro timers go, I started with them at 2.6 but may go down to 2.5. Most if not all of my skills sit at 2.46.
#124 Sep 19 2013 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
88 posts
I like to mix in my buffs to my macros like (DRG)
/macroicon Keen Flurry
/ac "Keen Flurry" <me>
/ac "Featherfoot" <me>
works great and frees up space on my controller board, works better if the items have the same recast times as well, also like to use Bloodoath/Blood for blood, same timers and what dmg I take from b 4 b gets made up with bloodoath

was just reading other posts about macros figured id share a couple I use

Edited, Sep 19th 2013 8:06pm by JeremyPD55
#125 Sep 19 2013 at 6:43 PM Rating: Excellent
TwilightSkye wrote:
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Nashred wrote:
I think more people would be tank if this game had better targeting.. Tried it to 21 and it is a pain in the ###

The targeting for melee isn't much better.

Oh, there are two mobs in front of me but tab grabbed the thing 2 levels down and behind me? Oh, that's super.. thanks.

I don't use tab. Tab wasn't good to use in FFXI either. For that, I used the mouse. I do something different in XIV however, that involves, I think the X button(dont know PC equivalent) which USUALLY selects the nearest target, then I shortcut from there with the direction pad, pressing whatever directional button the intended mob I want to target is at.

The equivalent of the X button for PC is the Keybind "Confirm" under the system Keybinds.

This usually functions similarly to "Target Nearest Enemy". It has the added bonus (or drawback) of being able to target NPC's and objects. Because of that, it's great to use for Gathering or talking to NPC's in town, or even crafting. It is NOT good for trying to target enemies in big mobs like fates, because the target filtering under "While weapon is Drawn" is currently not filtering out NPC and minions as it should be. After that is fixed I may change my go-to "Target Nearest Enemy" button to be "Confirm" instead.

Callinon, if you use "Target Nearest Enemy" first, and THEN use Tab (which is default set to the Keybind "Cycle Enemies Nearest to Furthest") you will have an easier time getting to the mob you wanted. I think the TAB = "Nearest to Furthest" is a bit broken sometimes because of differences in elevation, which are not properly accounted for in the distance equation. Just a guess. Probably they will be fixing this as well since most players use Tab as the primary means of targeting.
#126 Sep 19 2013 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Callinon, if you use "Target Nearest Enemy" first, and THEN use Tab (which is default set to the Keybind "Cycle Enemies Nearest to Furthest") you will have an easier time getting to the mob you wanted. I think the TAB = "Nearest to Furthest" is a bit broken sometimes because of differences in elevation, which are not properly accounted for in the distance equation. Just a guess. Probably they will be fixing this as well since most players use Tab as the primary means of targeting.

Good idea. I'll play with the bindings so I can have that function easily.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
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