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Just when i thought it was dead.. it came backFollow

#27 Sep 07 2013 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
darexius2010, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
That is much much older and handles a minuscule amount of data less than XIV.

BEFORE you tell me that I have no way of knowing that, capture packets from both games and compare them.

EDIT: Making millions has nothing to do with it. Budgeting has everything to do with it. It wasn't until NOW that the Board of Directors, NOT Yoshi or anyone else, decided to back this game. Not before. Look at it from their perspective. A failed game was taken down, tons sunk into it, and no definable way to know if it would succeed or not. As a business, you would cut a budget to a minimum for a project like that, too.

Yet out of that came greatness, just like with the original Macintosh. sh*t non existent budget, now a HUGE moneymaker.

EDIT 2: Preempting your response of "throw up more servers". They are. Despite popular belief, building servers isn't as easy as going to Best Buy, say, "I want a dozen servers, yo", taking them to Geek Squad and leaving them there overnight to make magic love to them, taking them home and plugging them in. Building them can take a long... LONG time. Parts are almost always on backorder. Performance precision is such an issue in such a data center that you almost HAVE to use identical hardware. Then there's configuring them.... Nightmare. The fact that they did so as quickly as they did surprises me.

Also, before you say, "If they didn't believe in the game they shouldn't have released it", yeah.... Just don't.

Edited, Sep 7th 2013 7:20pm by darexius2010

Edited, Sep 7th 2013 7:30pm by darexius2010

now that was both hillarious and informative and you didnt have to be an *** to do it (pawkershup should take notes) id actually rate you up if i could. your also right again my response would hav been why relese it if they didnt believe in it. i mean if they werent gonna getbacked then shoulda let it stay dead the first time. isnt that what every other compny does when a game fails. they take the loss andmove on to a new project name one other instance whre a game sucked and the comany said were gonna redo this and rerelease it?
#28 Sep 07 2013 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
Exactly :) Now, I've been called a white knight for this, but look at it this way. Now that release has been such an exponential success, it FINALLY has the backing it deserves. It has new servers, new support hardware, and Yoshi has even come out and said they are adding even MORE very shortly. They have content being written now for patches and expansions beyond 2.1. It is purely beautiful.
#29 Sep 07 2013 at 5:56 PM Rating: Excellent
1,429 posts
Catwho wrote:
Blue screen of death zoning into Limsa Lominsa.

Reboot windows.

3102 character still logged in.


Guess Squeenix is telling me to go play XI tonight after all.

Edited, Sep 7th 2013 5:58pm by Catwho

Actually, if you get disconnected from the server w/o logging out, this happens. However, give it a minute or 2, then you can log back in. It's happened to me twice so far. On a side note, XI does the same exact thing.
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#30 Sep 07 2013 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
speaking of content will all new contet be lvl 50? i mean low lvl content seems pointless in a gamewere even a casual can hit 50 in a month or less
#31 Sep 07 2013 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
speaking of content will all new contet be lvl 50? i mean low lvl content seems pointless in a gamewere even a casual can hit 50 in a month or less

How would we know that?

He's talked about daily quests, new dungeons, hard mode dungeons, pvp, and a plethora of other things that have been extensively reported on both on Zam and elsewhere.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#32 Sep 08 2013 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
speaking of content will all new contet be lvl 50? i mean low lvl content seems pointless in a gamewere even a casual can hit 50 in a month or less

I shouldn't be posing in this thread anymore, but why don't you just go away? You went from bashing the servers to bashing the content (both of which are getting better). If you don't like the game, then don't play it. It's that simple... Nobody is forcing you to play it.
#33 Sep 08 2013 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
DarkmanNightstar wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
speaking of content will all new contet be lvl 50? i mean low lvl content seems pointless in a gamewere even a casual can hit 50 in a month or less

I shouldn't be posing in this thread anymore, but why don't you just go away? You went from bashing the servers to bashing the content (both of which are getting better). If you don't like the game, then don't play it. It's that simple... Nobody is forcing you to play it.

wtf? is your reading comprehension meter broken? i can agree with your server bashing claim, but content bashing? i was simply asking if new low levl content would even make logical sense in this game.. i see not how such a question would be considered bashing
#34 Sep 08 2013 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
DarkmanNightstar wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
speaking of content will all new contet be lvl 50? i mean low lvl content seems pointless in a gamewere even a casual can hit 50 in a month or less

I shouldn't be posing in this thread anymore, but why don't you just go away? You went from bashing the servers to bashing the content (both of which are getting better). If you don't like the game, then don't play it. It's that simple... Nobody is forcing you to play it.

wtf? is your reading comprehension meter broken? i can agree with your server bashing claim, but content bashing? i was simply asking if new low levl content would even make logical sense in this game.. i see not how such a question would be considered bashing

I think content for lower levels would be welcome, even for end-gamers. Something I'm concerned about is after I hit 30 on my Gladiator I'll be leveling Conjurer for my Paladin quest. After I level a third job for whatever reason I'll run out of lower level content to xp off of, with the exception of FATEs and mobs. They mentioned they're doing daily content moving into 2.1, which I look forward to and hope it's not limited in repeatability per day. I'd love to see a greater variety in Leves, too. /emote'ing a target mid-battle kinda sucks...
#35 Sep 08 2013 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
wtf? is your reading comprehension meter broken?


Secondly, it's humorous that you attempt to bring FFXI into the discussion. Newflash: during RoZ and CoP (and even most of ToAU) there was always massive amounts of lag in any zone handling over 100 people. FFXI didn't have a queue; in fact it just bluntly wouldn't let you log on during the heydays if it were really crammed full.

Plus, trying to herald FFXI as pro with it's dialup speed connections?

El. Oh. El.
#36 Sep 08 2013 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Viertel wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
wtf? is your reading comprehension meter broken?


Secondly, it's humorous that you attempt to bring FFXI into the discussion. Newflash: during RoZ and CoP (and even most of ToAU) there was always massive amounts of lag in any zone handling over 100 people. FFXI didn't have a queue; in fact it just bluntly wouldn't let you log on during the heydays if it were really crammed full.

Plus, trying to herald FFXI as pro with it's dialup speed connections?

El. Oh. El.

i started ffxi on us ps2 launch in march 2004 thats 5 months after us pc launch and in 5 years of playing the only time i couldnt log on is when servers were actualyy down
#37 Sep 08 2013 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
55 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Viertel wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
wtf? is your reading comprehension meter broken?


Secondly, it's humorous that you attempt to bring FFXI into the discussion. Newflash: during RoZ and CoP (and even most of ToAU) there was always massive amounts of lag in any zone handling over 100 people. FFXI didn't have a queue; in fact it just bluntly wouldn't let you log on during the heydays if it were really crammed full.

Plus, trying to herald FFXI as pro with it's dialup speed connections?

El. Oh. El.

i started ffxi on us ps2 launch in march 2004 thats 5 months after us pc launch and in 5 years of playing the only time i couldnt log on is when servers were actualyy down

So your saying there was a five month difference between launch dates? Do you think that could of possibly had something do with the lack of servers problems? Come back in five months and see how many times you get error 1017.
#38 Sep 08 2013 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
that would make sense except jp and na shared servers in ffxi and jp had it two years before us so even on pc in us the game was two years old before we started... and according to those who sat 1017 will never go away.. if thats true then yes even 5 months later ill still have 1017 problems
#39 Sep 08 2013 at 3:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
Hey, you know when I saw the title of this thread, all I could think of is how apt it truly is.

Can we let it die now?
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#40 Sep 08 2013 at 3:24 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
that would make sense except jp and na shared servers in ffxi and jp had it two years before us so even on pc in us the game was two years old before we started... and according to those who sat 1017 will never go away.. if thats true then yes even 5 months later ill still have 1017 problems

Is it even remotely possible that FFXI and FFXIV use different server architecture? And therefore may not behave exactly the same way?

svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#41 Sep 08 2013 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
that would make sense except jp and na shared servers in ffxi and jp had it two years before us so even on pc in us the game was two years old before we started... and according to those who sat 1017 will never go away.. if thats true then yes even 5 months later ill still have 1017 problems

What is the point your trying to make? Your making my point for me. FFXI had delayed launches for different platforms and regions. Not everyone was trying to play at the exact same time (such as the case with FFXIV). 1017 is not a traditional "error". It will never truly go away, but it won't be as common. There were times in FFXI where the servers were overcrowded. It was just not as common because of the delayed launches. Don't compare FFXIV to FFXI. It is a completely different game launched under different situations and settings. I've had barely any issue with 1017 since the update and it will only get better as they improve the servers and add new ones.
#42 Sep 08 2013 at 5:09 PM Rating: Excellent
150 posts
Catwho wrote:
Blue screen of death zoning into Limsa Lominsa.

Reboot windows.

3102 character still logged in.


Guess Squeenix is telling me to go play XI tonight after all.

Edited, Sep 7th 2013 5:58pm by Catwho

Get in your FC's voice coms and tell someone to send you a /tell in game. That kicks you off the server if you are not on.
#43 Sep 08 2013 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
DarkmanNightstar wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
that would make sense except jp and na shared servers in ffxi and jp had it two years before us so even on pc in us the game was two years old before we started... and according to those who sat 1017 will never go away.. if thats true then yes even 5 months later ill still have 1017 problems

What is the point your trying to make? Your making my point for me. FFXI had delayed launches for different platforms and regions. Not everyone was trying to play at the exact same time (such as the case with FFXIV). 1017 is not a traditional "error". It will never truly go away, but it won't be as common. There were times in FFXI where the servers were overcrowded. It was just not as common because of the delayed launches. Don't compare FFXIV to FFXI. It is a completely different game launched under different situations and settings. I've had barely any issue with 1017 since the update and it will only get better as they improve the servers and add new ones.

yeah youre right i too hardly have 1017 since the update (hence the topic title) but when i think about the fact tht ive played mms where this nevr happens atvll thats what makes me say SE is cearly dong something wrong
#44 Sep 08 2013 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
55 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
DarkmanNightstar wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
that would make sense except jp and na shared servers in ffxi and jp had it two years before us so even on pc in us the game was two years old before we started... and according to those who sat 1017 will never go away.. if thats true then yes even 5 months later ill still have 1017 problems

What is the point your trying to make? Your making my point for me. FFXI had delayed launches for different platforms and regions. Not everyone was trying to play at the exact same time (such as the case with FFXIV). 1017 is not a traditional "error". It will never truly go away, but it won't be as common. There were times in FFXI where the servers were overcrowded. It was just not as common because of the delayed launches. Don't compare FFXIV to FFXI. It is a completely different game launched under different situations and settings. I've had barely any issue with 1017 since the update and it will only get better as they improve the servers and add new ones.

yeah youre right i too hardly have 1017 since the update (hence the topic title) but when i think about the fact tht ive played mms where this nevr happens atvll thats what makes me say SE is cearly dong something wrong

How many MMOs did you play at launch (excluding FFXI's third launch)? Many of them have problems (especially the popular ones). Square may of not been prepared for all of they players at launch, but they are doing everything right to fix it. How does this make you think they are "clearly" doing something wrong? The game just came out two weeks ago.
#45 Sep 08 2013 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
DarkmanNightstar wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
DarkmanNightstar wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
that would make sense except jp and na shared servers in ffxi and jp had it two years before us so even on pc in us the game was two years old before we started... and according to those who sat 1017 will never go away.. if thats true then yes even 5 months later ill still have 1017 problems

What is the point your trying to make? Your making my point for me. FFXI had delayed launches for different platforms and regions. Not everyone was trying to play at the exact same time (such as the case with FFXIV). 1017 is not a traditional "error". It will never truly go away, but it won't be as common. There were times in FFXI where the servers were overcrowded. It was just not as common because of the delayed launches. Don't compare FFXIV to FFXI. It is a completely different game launched under different situations and settings. I've had barely any issue with 1017 since the update and it will only get better as they improve the servers and add new ones.

yeah youre right i too hardly have 1017 since the update (hence the topic title) but when i think about the fact tht ive played mms where this nevr happens atvll thats what makes me say SE is cearly dong something wrong

How many MMOs did you play at launch (excluding FFXI's third launch)? Many of them have problems (especially the popular ones). Square may of not been prepared for all of they players at launch, but they are doing everything right to fix it. How does this make you think they are "clearly" doing something wrong? The game just came out two weeks ago.

because this isnt SEs first or even 3rd mmo.. they have enough mmo exp on their reume to have a clear grasp ofwhat to and not to do.

also supposedly this stuff happened on beta too... isnt the point of a beta to find and fix problems for launch? if this was happening at beta then shouldnt SE have said "ok we need to either increase server capacity or bringbib new severs before we release this". Correct?
#46 Sep 08 2013 at 7:11 PM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
DarkmanNightstar wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
DarkmanNightstar wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
that would make sense except jp and na shared servers in ffxi and jp had it two years before us so even on pc in us the game was two years old before we started... and according to those who sat 1017 will never go away.. if thats true then yes even 5 months later ill still have 1017 problems

What is the point your trying to make? Your making my point for me. FFXI had delayed launches for different platforms and regions. Not everyone was trying to play at the exact same time (such as the case with FFXIV). 1017 is not a traditional "error". It will never truly go away, but it won't be as common. There were times in FFXI where the servers were overcrowded. It was just not as common because of the delayed launches. Don't compare FFXIV to FFXI. It is a completely different game launched under different situations and settings. I've had barely any issue with 1017 since the update and it will only get better as they improve the servers and add new ones.

yeah youre right i too hardly have 1017 since the update (hence the topic title) but when i think about the fact tht ive played mms where this nevr happens atvll thats what makes me say SE is cearly dong something wrong

How many MMOs did you play at launch (excluding FFXI's third launch)? Many of them have problems (especially the popular ones). Square may of not been prepared for all of they players at launch, but they are doing everything right to fix it. How does this make you think they are "clearly" doing something wrong? The game just came out two weeks ago.

because this isnt SEs first or even 3rd mmo.. they have enough mmo exp on their reume to have a clear grasp ofwhat to and not to do.

also supposedly this stuff happened on beta too... isnt the point of a beta to find and fix problems for launch? if this was happening at beta then shouldnt SE have said "ok we need to either increase server capacity or bringbib new severs before we release this". Correct?

I'm done responding to you after this. They already admitted they they were under prepared. They have done everything right to fix it. What else do you want? Why are you complaining about problems they already fixed? Why do you keep bringing up sever launch problems? I'm done going in circles with you. If you don't like it, leave....
#47 Sep 08 2013 at 10:58 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
DarkmanNightstar wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
DarkmanNightstar wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
DarkmanNightstar wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
that would make sense except jp and na shared servers in ffxi and jp had it two years before us so even on pc in us the game was two years old before we started... and according to those who sat 1017 will never go away.. if thats true then yes even 5 months later ill still have 1017 problems

What is the point your trying to make? Your making my point for me. FFXI had delayed launches for different platforms and regions. Not everyone was trying to play at the exact same time (such as the case with FFXIV). 1017 is not a traditional "error". It will never truly go away, but it won't be as common. There were times in FFXI where the servers were overcrowded. It was just not as common because of the delayed launches. Don't compare FFXIV to FFXI. It is a completely different game launched under different situations and settings. I've had barely any issue with 1017 since the update and it will only get better as they improve the servers and add new ones.

yeah youre right i too hardly have 1017 since the update (hence the topic title) but when i think about the fact tht ive played mms where this nevr happens atvll thats what makes me say SE is cearly dong something wrong

How many MMOs did you play at launch (excluding FFXI's third launch)? Many of them have problems (especially the popular ones). Square may of not been prepared for all of they players at launch, but they are doing everything right to fix it. How does this make you think they are "clearly" doing something wrong? The game just came out two weeks ago.

because this isnt SEs first or even 3rd mmo.. they have enough mmo exp on their reume to have a clear grasp ofwhat to and not to do.

also supposedly this stuff happened on beta too... isnt the point of a beta to find and fix problems for launch? if this was happening at beta then shouldnt SE have said "ok we need to either increase server capacity or bringbib new severs before we release this". Correct?

I'm done responding to you after this. They already admitted they they were under prepared. They have done everything right to fix it. What else do you want? Why are you complaining about problems they already fixed? Why do you keep bringing up sever launch problems? I'm done going in circles with you. If you don't like it, leave....

because it hasnt been "fixed" just improved.. if you had a car that was breaking down 90% of the time.. and you took it to a shop and now it breaks down 10% of the time... its not fixed.. its VASTLY improved but not fixed... a fixed car doesnt break down at all.
#48 Sep 08 2013 at 11:14 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
You're operating under the assumption that the server is broken because it's full. It's supposed to do that when it's full, it's operating normally.

Would it be better if it put people into a queue so that they could play as soon as the server was not full? Yes. But it doesn't do that. Not because it's broken, but because it doesn't really have a queuing system at all, not that kind of queue anyway.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#49 Sep 08 2013 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
You're operating under the assumption that the server is broken because it's full. It's supposed to do that when it's full, it's operating normally.

Would it be better if it put people into a queue so that they could play as soon as the server was not full? Yes. But it doesn't do that. Not because it's broken, but because it doesn't really have a queuing system at all, not that kind of queue anyway.

Youre right a server thats full is NOT broken.. its still operating as intended its just full.. thus its not broken.. I broken server would be one that isnt operating as intended.

What is broken is SEs way of fixing the full issue.

What could be done to fix t hat is:

a) make a queueing system like the one you mentioned in your post

2) upgrade the servers so that theyll hold much more people thus eliminating the "full" problem

3) adding more servers and encouraging ppl to switch servers in hopes of evenly distributing ppl across all servers, then once thats achieved close those servers and leave new or very unpopulated servers open for new players.
#50 Sep 09 2013 at 1:16 AM Rating: Excellent
491 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Archmage Callinon wrote:
You're operating under the assumption that the server is broken because it's full. It's supposed to do that when it's full, it's operating normally.

Would it be better if it put people into a queue so that they could play as soon as the server was not full? Yes. But it doesn't do that. Not because it's broken, but because it doesn't really have a queuing system at all, not that kind of queue anyway.

Youre right a server thats full is NOT broken.. its still operating as intended its just full.. thus its not broken.. I broken server would be one that isnt operating as intended.

What is broken is SEs way of fixing the full issue.

What could be done to fix t hat is:

a) make a queueing system like the one you mentioned in your post

2) upgrade the servers so that theyll hold much more people thus eliminating the "full" problem

3) adding more servers and encouraging ppl to switch servers in hopes of evenly distributing ppl across all servers, then once thats achieved close those servers and leave new or very unpopulated servers open for new players.

4) once the initial buzz of the game wears off and the numbers start to steady themselves out, try to come up with a plan of ripping people from their norm comfortably to get them back together again so everyone isn't playing on their own server.

Added the very important fourth for ya. Don't mention it ;)
#51 Sep 09 2013 at 5:07 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
It's interesting how Kilua disappears and DuoMaxwellxx (love the teenage anime reference; the xx is a nice touch) reappears.

A detriment to this community. Why hasn't action been taken? :\
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