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Attacking someone elses mob.Follow

#1 Sep 05 2013 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
425 posts
Because I don't know what else to call it. You can say this is KSing but..

Is this an acceptable thing in FFXIV?(as in should I worry about this?) Because I know it was taboo in FFXI.

I noticed a lot of people have been attacking the same mobs I'm attacking. I've had to stop and find another mob.

#2 Sep 05 2013 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
589 posts
If its a quest mob, everyone can get credit for the kill. So it depends.
#3 Sep 05 2013 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
659 posts
It's not like ff11. You can get xp and credit for fighting other people's mobs. You have to do enough damage.
#4 Sep 05 2013 at 6:21 AM Rating: Excellent
If you get claim, you get 100% exp anyway. So if it's bright red and someone else kills it for you, no harm no foul.

There is no "skill up" system like in FFXI so they're taking nothing from you by helping you kill it.
#5 Sep 05 2013 at 6:21 AM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
For event mobs it's hard since you often need to AoE. I try to wait until the person fighting is done to pop my own and only help if they're struggling. Currently you can actually pk people by popping your mobs before they AoE theirs.
#6 Sep 05 2013 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
No it's not taboo now. World mobs don't give the majority of the xp you will use to level, and anyone who does 'enough' damage will get credit for hunting log kills, quest kills, etc. I'm not sure what the threshold for 'enough' damage is, but I think it's something like 25-30%.
#7 Sep 05 2013 at 6:22 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
It really doesnt hurt people in any way. Just kill whatever. All you're doing is giving them exp and items quicker.
#8 Sep 05 2013 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
Actually I think someone attacking your mob has little down side for you.

I think (someone confirm) that you still get full Xp and if your questing the mob you still get the drop / record of kill for quest.... So nothing to lose. I think the person that attacks your mob needs to do at least 1/3 DMG to mob to get XP and also get record of kill for quests (still not effecting your xp or kill record).... Not sure if the other gets full Xp for attacking your mob or just a set % of Xp

#9 Sep 05 2013 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
I have mixed feelings about it. For SOME quests you can get credit even if someone else claims the mob. Others however, that require you getting a 'drop' from the mob, require you claiming it. However, even if I am just out solo XPing, it gets a bit annoying when I am trying to, say, learn my class, or maybe improve my DPS by learning which abilities are more useful, etc...and someone, or two, or 8 comes running over and kills it in two gets frustrating. Of course I still get the XP and loot, but seriously. If you are not killing something for quest, and you don't get XP from a mob because it is too high level for you, or unless I am going to die, please stay away from my mobs. K thanks. lol
#10 Sep 05 2013 at 6:25 AM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
Perrin wrote:
For event mobs it's hard since you often need to AoE. I try to wait until the person fighting is done to pop my own and only help if they're struggling. Currently you can actually pk people by popping your mobs before they AoE theirs.

This very thing happened to me yesterday. i popped a group of mobs for a quest and a tha ran up and popped his too, he then proceeded to AOE and link all of the mobs at him, all the mobs ended up killing him before i could get topaz carby to AOE to pull some off of him. I did raise him once carby had hate, lesson learned i guess.
#11 Sep 05 2013 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
655 posts
there have been many threads on this already which I think have been locked down cuz i cant find them. But there is no reason to be butthurt about this when its the way the game was designed .. 10+ people doing there hunt logs on 5-10 mobs..Everyone is gonna attack everything. Group up if your that worried . If you attacked it first than someone rolls up and helps than there helping.. you get your loot and exp dont run away cuz that makes you look like a jerk.
#12 Sep 05 2013 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
Also, it can come in useful on occasion

Example: last night I was kinda on a slow lvling run with my LNC I had already devoured a lot of the quests and missions on my other classes and was slow lvling from lvl 11 decided to rip through my hunting log that gave me enough Xp to hit 15 in the space of an hour or so and I was getting 6 - 7k killing 3 mobs 5 or 6 levels higher than me by adding to someone else's claim or having them add to mine.

So the claim system can be made to work for you... But I also get that it can be frustrating to have others kill your mob in two seconds before you've even really got started linking WS
#13 Sep 05 2013 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
448 posts
I have actually caught myself holding back on casting stone 2 on things that I know are hunting journal or quest mobs that someone is helping me kill. If I claim the mob and someone comes over to help, since i have the claim, I'll automatically get the credit; but the person helping has to hit the dmg threshold to get his/her credit, so I hold back a little and just cure tank it till it is dead hoping the person gets credit.

IMHO, I think this system is probably the best for any MMO since no one like camping quest mobs and trying to beat out other people. This system lets everyone get a piece no matter who claims it.
#14 Sep 05 2013 at 7:25 AM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
StateAlchemist, Om nom nom... wrote:
I have mixed feelings about it. For SOME quests you can get credit even if someone else claims the mob. Others however, that require you getting a 'drop' from the mob, require you claiming it. However, even if I am just out solo XPing, it gets a bit annoying when I am trying to, say, learn my class, or maybe improve my DPS by learning which abilities are more useful, etc...and someone, or two, or 8 comes running over and kills it in two gets frustrating. Of course I still get the XP and loot, but seriously. If you are not killing something for quest, and you don't get XP from a mob because it is too high level for you, or unless I am going to die, please stay away from my mobs. K thanks. lol

Git off mah lawn ya darn kids! Smiley: mad

Test your dps on a training dummy :) Also, if you need an item from a mob, and you claimed the mob first, and someone helps you kill it, you still get the item. If someone else claimed it first, and you help, and didn't get the item, well, they claimed it first.
#15 Sep 05 2013 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
1,163 posts
Well, I asked the same thing, although I was much more blunt about my dislike for it and got torn to bits by this forum. FFXI you had to /help if you wanted help and for the most part people respected you and your space, to include your monsters. I don't like it and I really don't like it when you are in a zone that there is no reason to do it. Starting zones yes, level 30 zones, no. Ill end there.

I guess it depends on the situation. However, me, I will never attack someone elses mob unless I know they will die or its an accident.
#16 Sep 05 2013 at 7:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Anakte wrote:
StateAlchemist, Om nom nom... wrote:
I have mixed feelings about it. For SOME quests you can get credit even if someone else claims the mob. Others however, that require you getting a 'drop' from the mob, require you claiming it. However, even if I am just out solo XPing, it gets a bit annoying when I am trying to, say, learn my class, or maybe improve my DPS by learning which abilities are more useful, etc...and someone, or two, or 8 comes running over and kills it in two gets frustrating. Of course I still get the XP and loot, but seriously. If you are not killing something for quest, and you don't get XP from a mob because it is too high level for you, or unless I am going to die, please stay away from my mobs. K thanks. lol

Git off mah lawn ya darn kids! Smiley: mad

Test your dps on a training dummy :) Also, if you need an item from a mob, and you claimed the mob first, and someone helps you kill it, you still get the item. If someone else claimed it first, and you help, and didn't get the item, well, they claimed it first.

Training Dummies don't hit back. It's like trying to learn how to race by run/driving/etc alone. Sure you can improve your personal reaction times etc, but until you get on the track with other people you really won't know how well you can do.
#17 Sep 05 2013 at 7:43 AM Rating: Excellent
The solution then is to try to avoid known quest mobs for your testing.
#18 Sep 05 2013 at 7:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:
The solution then is to try to avoid known quest mobs for your testing.

Good luck.
#19 Sep 05 2013 at 7:50 AM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
WFOAssassin wrote:
Well, I asked the same thing, although I was much more blunt about my dislike for it and got torn to bits by this forum. FFXI you had to /help if you wanted help and for the most part people respected you and your space, to include your monsters. I don't like it and I really don't like it when you are in a zone that there is no reason to do it. Starting zones yes, level 30 zones, no. Ill end there.

I guess it depends on the situation. However, me, I will never attack someone elses mob unless I know they will die or its an accident.

There are still quest mobs and hunting log targets in level 30 zones :)

I get it though, you're used to an idea that attacking someone else's mob is taboo, and habits are hard to break. But there's a reason why you can do it here, get full credit, and not take an exp penalty. It's a different game with different rules! There's no quest mob out there that's "challenging" or would live long enough for you to get some form of solo achievement. If you're fighting something much tougher than you, or higher level, and someone else comes and kills it with you... you are probably the one killing his quest mob without regard to what that person needs. You scoundrel!

Seriously, test rotations on a dummy, then just notice if in real situations they work, but on something that is going to die in 30 seconds and someone else might be on a quest for (with limited spawns no less) don't get annoyed that they are getting credit.
#20 Sep 05 2013 at 7:51 AM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Better yet, if you want to kill something that someone else can't... do leves. They're yours, you can choose the difficulty, and others won't kill your targets. Problem solved.
#21 Sep 05 2013 at 7:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Anakte wrote:
Omitted content to save space.

Trying to find somewhere to test things out, unless your level 50, is nigh but impossible. People are everywhere. Quests take you everywhere. Hunting Logs take you everywhere. It's annoying, but unavoidable. I'm done discussing this just because I only meant to chime in that I find it bothersome. Not because I think it should change. System works fine.
#22 Sep 05 2013 at 8:02 AM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Fair enough, I personally dislike that there are no real 'achievement' type kills because I love soloing things that shouldn't be soloable, but I consider that a separate issue to this one. So I understand the desire for sure. I'm really looking forward to them removing 4 person restrictions on dungeons so I can go through and see what I can do.
#23 Sep 05 2013 at 8:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Anakte wrote:
Fair enough, I personally dislike that there are no real 'achievement' type kills because I love soloing things that shouldn't be soloable, but I consider that a separate issue to this one. So I understand the desire for sure. I'm really looking forward to them removing 4 person restrictions on dungeons so I can go through and see what I can do.

Yeah, later on down the road they may do that, however with as much as I hear the word congestion, I don't think it will be any tiem soon. More instances would only put a heavier load on an already strained system.
#24 Sep 05 2013 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I have never had trouble finding isolated or unpopular enemies to try new things out on. I agree that the target dummies are a very inaccurate means of testing new abilities and rotations because they lack defense, movement, AOEs, attacks to dodge, and a host of other variables. However, there are tons of enemies in most places, and I have yet to encounter a zone that doesn't have some out-of-the-way spawns that no one is after; if you explore each region thoroughly. Even if someone does come along and starts killing your enemies it is likely they will leave after killing a half dozen or less, because most quests/hunts don't require dozens of kills. If the area starts to fill up, press on to greener pastures.
#25 Sep 05 2013 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
2,120 posts
I think I've had some rare occasions when I claimed a mob first, but didn't get credit after others swarmed in on it.
#26 Sep 05 2013 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
81 posts
The only time Ive ever thought "Oh, this has the potential to be annoying" is when I was doing one of those quests that require you to use a key item on a weakened mob. I was working on one of these the other night, and someone started whacking on my mobs. I still managed to get the key items off in time, so all was fine.

Generally speaking though, I play a WHM, and so I'm always happy to have a little extra fire power on my mobs to kill them faster.
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