I still say they are rushing this game do too money issues. Why else dont they have more support?. Why else are they rushing the game out the door?
I don't feel that the game is being rushed. I got to play several hours over the weekend, and in game, everything is incredibly polished and very well planned. This kind of game can only be created with careful, meticulous planning.
That said, something was definitely overlooked in the setup of servers or the data center. I don't think it's a matter of the game being rushed, so much as it's a matter of a massive technological SNAFU.
If this is a problem that won't be solved within the next week or two, then I think SE would be better off just taking the servers offline until things are OK for everyone. A big stress factor is this is an MMO, and people who aren't competitive about it at least don't want to feel like they're being left in the dust. That really compounds the problem of people not being able to log in, and it makes not having a queue even more frustrating. SE has gone so far to make such a great game... I wouldn't want to spoil its fun factor before people can even get through the login screen.