ShadowedgeFFXI wrote:
I'm a little appalled by the responses in this thread. For a moment, I thought I was on the Beta forums. "This is the old SE because they haven't focused on me and made me feel special". "SE knows I have a terrible internet connection"."My gf can only play this weekend and not after that". Cry me a river guys. This is Phase 4, you're not paying for it, it's free. I'm sure you'll get the client, but you really need to grow up and stop complaining. It's a game, nothing so important that it causes you personal anguish in life. This is the Beta right before launch and considering the disaster of 1.0, SE is trying to do things right here. Honestly, I'm more upset you guys have me defending SE which almost never happens.
This thread is all about entitlements and the rage for not being special enough to have what they expect when they want it. I'm sorry SE has inconvenienced your life, but it's really just a game. I see why you're disappointed, but again, it's just a game. If you're wondering, yes I have installed the client. I downloaded the client on my PS3 so I'm all set to go, but I have other concerns to do as well. I'm not going to be spending every hour of my life just to race to the level cap. I have things to do in real life and I'm sure all of you will play more than me regardless of when you start. This is a MMO, it's not going anywhere. Try to relax, stress isn't good for you.
While I agree with your point, this post seems a little too scathing a response. SE can't account for everyone's personal lives. In the grand scheme of things a day or two isn't going to matter. One poster pointed out that SE needs all the positive PR it can get and I agree with that too. I just think everyone needs to take a step back and realize that this game, like almost everything in life, isn't always going to go your way. So we deal, and express our frustrations out on the internet to strangers.