Hairspray wrote:
What do you guys see as the future of the FFXIV: ARR economy?
I see it becoming more adaptable and long lasting than FFXI's that's for damned sure. For one, the gathering isn't as onerous as it was for FFXI so there will be a higher supply of goods at any given time and the inventory management will erase a lot of issues that farming/gathering had in FFXI (and in other MMOs really because 99 a stack is nice).
Plus, gear will always be needed for materia melding and crafters will supply that aspect. Just think about it like this: for gear on your 2nd/3rd/4th class you're leveling you're more than likely going to be using materia. On average you'll have 2 slots and you'll *want* to push double or triple melding just to make the leveling easier (and personally more fun to me). Take a chest piece with 2 materia slots and just double melding that's four pieces of gear.... assuming you're trying yourself, you get the materia you want AND you don't fail the double meld. If you go triple melding that's five minimum and you're talking astronomical odds.....and this is all for one piece of gear.
Now count up all the gear that's nuked into materia that you don't want at that time. Up on the market it goes because they're all stats
someone is going to use. With the way crafting is set up to support the materia system (and vice versa) I really don't see the market for a set level ever really disappear. You can only add so much of a stat to a piece of gear so just slapping in the highest level materia won't work (and is a massive waste), thus the actual level materia of the gear is better.
The plus side is because gear is always needed to be spiritbound and nuked the items needed to craft them will be needed as well. Sure, two or three years down the line the demand will level off to a comfortable level but with such a system being built in from the ground up it's definitely set up for long term stability.
Hairspray wrote:
What are the pitfalls you think they will need to avoid?
Don't go too crazy trying to stamp out RMT that you abuse and frustrate your playerbase. Considering anything NQ vendors for 1 gil and anything HQ vendors for 2 gil they've already established the concept of "You won't be vendoring anything easily for free cash." and RMT thrives on those types of gil making processes.
Hairspray wrote:
Will armor be un-sellable after you wear it like in WoW? Or will armor be re-sellable like in FFXI?
That's answer the first time you fight with a piece of gear that's crafted or bought. The second you get experience it binds it to you. And it's a way I'd prefer it.