The problem with this story is the fact that he was arrested at all. Thirteen years ago you never would have seen this happening. Yes what he said was very insensitive and in poor taste, but he should have at most been "talked" to or reccomended for anger management. The First Amendment protects groups like La Raza (The Race in Spanish) when they hold rallies encouraging those of Hispanic heritage that the United States rightfully belongs to them and that they should go "Kill all white people, rape their women, and murder their children". The same was true when the Black Panthers would say similar things during the civil rights movement, and don't even get me started on the KKK. The only differences between this kid and those groups are that he doesn't have an army of lawyers and the resources to actually go through with what he said. A man is judged by his actions, not his words, after all.
He is being made and example of to scare other people into being less likely to use their inalienable right of free speech. Not to mention that it was obviously a sarcastic troll comment. Perhaps if they had some younger people that actually knew what the internet was they could have realized that. If you condone putting him in jail for his word than you condone putting yourself and everyone else there whenever you say something that someone else might not like. This is a very slippery slope and we are no longer anywhere near the top. I'd rather not shoot for the bottom any quicker than I have to, I know what's down there.
Hint: It's King Tryndamere waiting in a bush, only his ult won't wear off until a good portion of your team has died, If it wears off at all.
Also it's worth mentioning the larger implications this case could have. It would be even more fuel for net censorship along with the whole anti-bullying thing.
Edited, Jul 3rd 2013 2:30pm by DamienSScott