Killua125 wrote:
It's kind of pointless to have a discussion with you. You're not even considering my point of view, and why I would rather see new designs than old recycled themes and copy pasted designs.
Nostalgia is powerful, I get it. I just would have preferred if they didn't copy paste Final Fantasy VI designs and character themes into a game set in a different universe. Your argument is kind of going all over the place. I've stated what I don't like... you like it. Stop trying to turn a discussion into an argument.
And no, I'm not a professional. That "If [x] is so bad, why don't YOU come up with something better!" argument is awful. Sorry that I expect more from a multi-billion dollar company.
Edited, Apr 8th 2013 10:28pm by Killua125
I fully understand your POV. I just haven't had that POV since I was a child. When things always had to go my way, or it was the worst thing ever. It has nothing to do with being a professional.
Every single thing wrong with the original FFXIV release had a far better idea. Ideas that were stated repeatedly by fans. You could have easily come up with thousands of ideas that would have been better. Yet, the game was still made public. After watching public videos I realized that I preferred the 1.23 combat system. That tells me that it's personal. It doesn't speak ill of the new system, or make it the WORST THING EVER. I can simply state that I have a preference. That's not what you're doing however, and I won't allow you to claim that you are. Talks of desperation, company destruction, job termination, and nefarious plots to use old material to lure fans in. You're being extremely dramatic/hyperbolic. You're also not very complex, and responding to you is a catharsis from a long Monday. I am entertained, and I appreciate you.
Final Fantasy has been reviewed by critics for many years now. When have you heard a critic say, "They need to come up with a new identity for this game. They used that tired old Chocobo theme." The games were considered good or bad by various people, but no one ever shared your POV. In fact, people have complained over and over how they're deviating from what made it Final Fantasy in the first place. (Yoshi's plan that he said publicly is that, he wants people to see Final Fantasy soon as they see this game. How do you think he's going to accomplish that?)You're a pathological complainer, I get that. My argument is still the same. Why change something, simply just to change it? Or more specifically, why change something just because Killua wants it changed? As an intelligent person, when I have an issue with something, I usually assume it's on my end. If it's easy for me to come up with improvements, then I shift it towards the person who created it. If I'm stumped however, then my dislike for it would have to be something personal. You seem to have a personal issue. You can throw around "intelligent and unique" all you like. You are neither, not because I think you're stupid, but because you're wasting it. I'm explaining to you the creative process in relation to our feelings. I don't share your entitlements, therefore I can appreciate the old and the new, even simultaneously
. You would ignore all the positives and poke at 3 negatives and talk of Revelations/end of days. It's very easy to have a discussion/argument with you. I'm doing you a favor, be grateful.
Again, there are differences in the FFXIV version of the magitek, and you already posted that they played a "unique" song when they showed the live letter. That is not copy paste. They were both different enough, but still retained enough similarities to remind a person of VI. What you're asking for is what they did in 1.0.
Edited, Apr 9th 2013 1:24am by GDLYL